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    Title: 台灣中學舞蹈班女學生身體意象形塑與認同
    Body Image Formulation and Identities of High School Dance Class Girls in Taiwan
    Authors: 廖翊廷
    Liao, Yu Ting
    Contributors: 李淑菁
    Lee, Shu Ching
    Liao, Yu Ting
    Keywords: 舞者認同
    Dancer identities
    Body image
    Dance education
    Body discipline
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-10 10:12:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中學舞蹈班女學生的身體,在社會當中被認為是符合「美」的一群。為了達成演出的視覺效果,而被訓練出能靠著嚴格的飲食控制與身體訓練來維持身材的能力(靳晨瑄,2010)。本研究以質性研究的半結構式深度訪談採訪11名有過舞蹈班經驗的女學生,來了解中學舞蹈班中的身體規訓技術,以及舞蹈班女學生如何自我規訓。並從「舞者認同」和身體意象的角度,來探究舞蹈班女學生能持續自我規訓背後的動力。

    The girls in dance classes in Taiwan strictly conform to the social standard of beauty. Their bodies are ideal beauty according to society. In order to deliver the best visual performance, they would keep fit from strict diet control and body training (Jin Chenxuan, 2010). To find out how dance class follows body disciplinary method and how the girls in dance classes discipline themselves, semi-structured interviews were used when interviewing 11 experienced female dancers from dance classes. I would also like to figure out whether “dancer identities” and body images support them when they are trying to shape their bodies.
    Here are the findings:
    1. The girls in dance classes may resist the body discipline in dance classes, because they are also aware of their own demand.
    2. The girls in dance classes may build self-disciplinary and shape their body through the construction of “dancer identities”.
    3. “Dancer identitiy” is influenced by various dance types, therefore we can conclude that “dancer identity” is diversified.
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