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    Title: 食農產業與社會創新的挑戰 - 以臨海農場為例
    Food agriculture industry and social innovation challenge - Pierre Organic Farm
    Authors: 曾晴美
    Tseng, Ching-Mei
    Contributors: 湯京平
    Tang, Ching-Ping
    Tseng, Ching-Mei
    Keywords: 社會創新
    Social innovation
    Kitchen composting
    Smart organic farming model
    Agricultural politics
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-10 10:12:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 食安問題引爆,人們關注入口的食物。人類社會發展歷史中,人類與大自然最貼近的是農業,人類生存動機帶動食農產業創新,追求富足牽動社會演進的動能。社會型態的改變就是社會創新的歷程與成果,食、農與人類的歷史進程、社會的結構、生活習慣、文化的演進、經濟、政治力環環相扣。本研究以臨海農場為例,探討個案廚餘堆肥的創新研發成果,在現有的法規規範下無法進入有機農業市場及肥料市場。研究發現以農業為核心,廚餘堆肥的創新研發,生物的智慧有機農法(Smart Organic Farming Model)對生態農業、傳統有機農業對食農產業是一項翻轉性的變革,也是社會創新。社會創新的成果進入市場機制推廣與銷售將衝擊現有利害關係人與法規政策,建議政府在社會創新的變革,政策政治力及時予以反饋,政策創新,向生態農業永續發展方向調整。
    As the food safety issues attracted prevailing attention in recent years, organic farming is widely considered an important solution of the daunting problem. Advocating eco-friendly farming in Taiwan has encountered two major challenges, however. First, most of the organic farming methods are labor intensive which would be hard to be promoted in rural places where the population are aging rapidly. Second, without the aid of chemicals, the produce production tends to be low, and incomes, therefore, tend to be insufficient for sustaining the family. The social innovation conducted by a French Canadian, Pierre, found a perfect solution for both problems. His smart organic farming, basing on turning kitchen waste to compost, shed a light on the future of organic farming in Taiwan. By experiment and intensive interview, this research shows the potential of this innovative farming method.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1049210731
    Data Type: thesis
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