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Title: | 師傅級外籍勞工政策可行性評估 – 以社會福利機構為例 The policy feasibility study of allowing senior foreign workers staying in Taiwan: an analysis based on Taipei`s welfare institution |
Authors: | 黃君浩 Huang, Chun Hao |
Contributors: | 陳小紅 Chen, Hsiao Hung 黃君浩 Huang, Chun Hao |
Keywords: | 外籍勞工 社會福利機構 評點制度 外籍看護工 機構式照顧 Foreign worker Social welfare institutions Point system Foreign nursing care workers Institutional care |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-10 10:11:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國自1992年頒布《就業服務法》明定引用外國勞動力相關程序、僱用準則,將外籍勞動力納入正式法律規範,近十年社會福利產業外籍勞工數占總外籍勞工數亦逐年成長,現已達到四成左右。 由於受少子化因素影響,我國勞動力人口逐年短少,如何有效地運用目前就職於我國的外籍勞工為本研究欲探討的重點;行政院104年12月提出「師傅級外勞」機制,擬透過重新定義外籍勞工的性質,經由評分機制、評選出藍領資深技術人員,延長其工作年限,解除留臺限制,用以舒緩我國人口與勞動力結構變遷之影響。 隨著機構式照顧服務對於我國少子女化、高齡化的人口結構愈趨重要,本研究擬以進用外籍勞工之社會福利機構為研究對象,以老人照顧服務機構、身心障礙者照顧服務機構等社會福利單位做為研究場域,研究對象以就業於該等場域之外籍看護工為主,透過訪談機構主管(主任或院長)的經驗與見解,探討「師傅級外勞」政策實施之可行性,由實務上評析「師傅級外勞」對提升社福機構勞動力之可行性。 The R.O.C Government enacted and promulgated total articles of the Employment Service Act in 1992. The Act regulates the employment and management of foreign workers in Taiwan and formally regulates the foreign workforce into law. By the end of April 2017, numbers of foreign workers increase rapidly, among which, the number of social welfare foreign workers accounts for up to 40% of the total foreign workers in Taiwan. Due to the aging population and low fertility, the workforce of Taiwan decreases tremendously. How to utilize the foreign workforce efficiently is the main concern of this research. On December 2014, the Executive Yuan proposed the “Master Qualified Foreign Workers Policy” in order to redefine foreign workforce in Taiwan. The policy will formulate a point system to filter qualified foreign workers and extends their duration of the employment permit. Institutional caring has become more important due to population aging, this research choose foreign workers in social welfare institutions as the object of study, and compile the opinions and perspectives from supervisors of the social welfare institutions by conducting in-depth interviews. The aim of the research is to evaluate the feasibility and practicality of the “Master Qualified Foreign Workers Policy” in the social welfare sphere. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 102921043 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1029210431 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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