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    Title: 公布住宅竊盜地圖會影響房價嗎?
    Does the Announcement of the Residential Burglary Mapping Affect Housing Price?
    Authors: 翟珮慈
    Chai, Pei Tzu
    Contributors: 張金鶚

    Chai, Pei Tzu
    Keywords: 住宅竊盜
    Residential burglary
    Housing price
    Spatial regression model
    Difference in difference method
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-10 10:05:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 臺北市政府自2015年10月公布住宅、汽車與單車竊盜的犯罪地點。對於政府公開犯罪資訊的行為,引起民眾質疑此舉是否波及犯罪地點周圍的房價。本文選取與住宅關係密切的住宅竊盜為標的,探討住宅竊盜資訊公開對房價的影響效果。
    本文運用特徵價格理論結合空間迴歸模型,檢視於住宅竊盜資訊公開後,住宅樣本與住宅竊盜點的鄰近程度對房價的影響效果,結果證實住宅竊盜對房價的負向影響範圍為200公尺,約每平方公尺單價下跌2.37%。考量人民對治安的觀感多以犯罪事件發生頻率來衡量地區治安情形,故討論住宅竊盜筆數對房價的影響效果,證實住宅竊盜件數愈多對房價的負向影響效果愈大,即住宅半徑200公尺內,每增加一筆住宅竊盜案約每平方公尺單價下跌約0.6%。最後,為確認住宅竊盜對房價影響的因果關係並同時檢視政府「公布」住宅竊盜地圖對房價的影響情形,本文以差異中之差異法(Difference-in- Difference, DID)進行估計,實證結果顯示住宅竊盜資訊公開確實對房價產生負向影響。
    Taipei City government has announced residential, automobile and bicycle burglary location since October 2015.The public questioned whether this behavior detrimentally affect housing price nearby the criminal location. In this paper, we choose the residential burglary which is closely related to housing , and disscuss whether the announcement of the residential burglary map detrimentally affect housing price.
    We adopt hedonic theory and spatial regression model to examine the effect on housing price nearby the residential burglary location published. The result shows residential burglary affect housing price by 2.37% within 200 meters. Considering people measure the condition of public security relying on the frequency of crime.We disscuss the effect of the numbers of residential burglaries on housing price.The results suggest that the more the number of residential burglaries , the greater negative impact on housing price. Finally, the paper uses difference-in-difference estimator to confirm the causal relationship between residential burglary and housing price. In addition we examine the impact of the government`s “announcement” of residential burglary maps on housing price. We find that the residential burglary information does have a negative impact on housing price.
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