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    Title: 高功能自閉症類群障礙學齡兒童心智理論能力表現之研究
    A Study of Theory of Mind in School-Aged Children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders
    Authors: 鄧宇捷
    Teng, Yu-Chieh
    Contributors: 姜忠信
    Chiang, Chung Hsin
    Teng, Yu-Chieh
    Keywords: 自閉症
    Theory of mind
    High-functioning autism
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-10 09:57:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究目的:心智理論(Theory of Mind)缺陷在過去幾十年來一直是學界所探究的主要自閉症心理病理議題之一,然而Pellicano(2011)提出自閉症心理病理理論的標準使得該理論受到挑戰。本研究旨在發展適切的心智理論作業,以了解高功能自閉症類群障礙症(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)學齡兒童的心智理論表現。
    Purpose:The theory of mind (ToM) deficits have been one of the main topics of psychopathology in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the past few decades, however, some challenges were proposed from Pellicano (2011). The purpose of the study was to develop an optimal ToM task and to explore the performance in the school-aged children with high-functioning ASD on ToM.
    Method:Sixty-seven 6-12 years old children with HFASD and 51 chronological age matched children with typically development (TD) were recruited. The ToM Task developed by Feng Hua (2007) was modified and the task included subtests of “emotion and belief aroused by eagerness or situation”, ”basic belief”, ”1st-order false belief”, “2nd-order false belief”, “irony”, “metaphor”, “Faux Pas” etc.. Participants received assessments of ToM, intelligence, language, ASD symptom severity, and adaptive behavior.
    Result:The modified ToM Task had fair internal consistency reliability, interrater reliability, and construct validity, but the “1st-order false belief” subtest had poor reliability and validity. There was largely overlapped between HFA children and TD children on ToM task scores. Overall performance in the children with IG-HFA was as good as the children with TD, however, they made more false mental justifications than TD children; Non-IG-HFA children’s overall performance was worse than TD children. ToM performance would partially predict symptom severities of social, communication, repetitive behavior under laboratory context in ASD children, but not symptom severities and daily adaptive behaviors reported by parents.
    Conclusion:The modified ToM Task could be a tool for exploring ToM development for school-aged children, however, some items are suggested to be further modified. Though the deficit of Theory of mind can partially predict ASD symptoms under laboratory context, IQ and language development might compensate partial ToM ability in children with ASD. Also, not all children with ASD having ToM deficits indicates that subtler measures and explorations on ToM deficits of ASD are needed. The suggestions for future study and practical application is discussed.
    Reference: 張正芬(2007)。亞斯柏格資優生之適性教育方案(I)研究成果報告(精簡版)。行政院國家科學委員會專題研究成果報告(編號:NSC 95-2614-S-003-019-),未出版。
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