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    Title: 空間改造後青少年公共圖書館空間使用與滿意度研究
    Public Library Space Use and Satisfaction from Perspectives of Young Adults after Space Reconstruction
    Authors: 江宜蓁
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Keywords: 公共圖書館
    Public library
    Young adult space
    Space reconstruction
    Library space satisfaction
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-10 09:55:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近幾年,青少年在國內圖書館逐漸受到重視,臺灣許多公共圖書館分別成立規劃出青少年空間,有的是圖書館新建立的,有的是重新整建後的。由於臺灣公共圖書館目前尚未有針對圖書館規劃的青少年空間設計指南,因此本研究將從美國青少年圖書館服務學會出版的〈國家青少年空間指南〉作為公共圖書館在規劃青少年空間的參考依據。希望能了解青少年使用專屬空間的需求與滿意度,規劃出我國青少年空間設計指南,除了提供公共圖書館未來在規劃青少年專屬空間時的參考依據,也能讓圖書館更加重視青少年族群之需求,規劃出更為完善的服務,提高青少年對公共圖書館青少年空間的滿意度,吸引更多潛在的青少年使用者利用圖書館。本研究之研究目的為:(1)探討青少年需求與圖書館青少年空間設計原則;(2)探討青少年對圖書館專屬空間之使用情形與滿意度;(3)探討青少年使用圖書館專屬空間的滿意度影響因素;(4)探討青少年空間改造後的成效。
    In recent years, young adults are getting increasingly attention in Taiwan’s libraries. Many public libraries in Taiwan have set up space for young adults, some of which are newly established, and some are re-established. Because there are not space design guidelines about library arrangement for young adults in the public libraries in Taiwan, this research will be based on “The National Teen Space Guidelines,” published by Young Adult Library Services Association in America to arrange young adult spacein public libraries in Taiwan. This study hopes to understand the needs and satisfaction of young adults using young adult space, and to contribute to space design guidelines for young adults in Taiwan`s libraries. In addition, this study hopes to provide reference of future arrangement of young adults’ space to public libraries, and to let libraries turn more attention to the needs of young people, and design more comprehensive services to gain young people`s satisfaction and to attract more potential young people to use library. The main purposes of the research are as follows: (1) to investigate young adults’ needs and establish principles behind young adult space in libraries; (2) to inquire into satisfaction and circumstances of young adult readers using young adult space in libraries; (3) to investigate the influencing factors behind young adults’ satisfaction with young adult space in libraries; (4) to investigate the effect of the reformation of young’s space.
    Through questionnaires and interviews, this study investigates young adults’ needs and usage of young adult space in public libraries, their satisfaction with young adult space, and influencing factors behind their satisfaction with young adult space to build four dimensions including 28 indicators for reference to future design of young adult space in public libraries. The statistical analyses of the retrieved questionnaires indicate the following conclusions: (1) the types of books young adults read most frequently are novels, comics and journals/magazines; their favorite topics are recreation, popular cultures and tourism; (2) teenagers usually read two books for extracurricular reading monthly; their average reading time is one or two hours; most of their purposes are personal interests, killing time, and entertainment. (3) the frequency of young adults` use of libraries is once a week; the frequency of young adults` use of young adult space is once a month; the reasons for young adults using young adult space are self-studying or preparing for examinations, reading and borrowing books, and its comfortable environment; (4) the categories of books young adults read most frequently mainly are fiction, comics, and literature/prose; the mostly-used facilities and services are reading tables and sofas; (5) the top five satisfaction items among the four public libraries are “It can satisfy my needs of reading/learning without any disturbance,” “It can provide sufficient light,” “It is a safe, clean and comfortable place,” “Its book arrangement lets me easily find books,” and “The categories and quantity of books can meet my needs.” (6) The analysis of the top five satisfactory services shows that teenagers of the four libraries unanimously agree with the items of “It is a safe place,” and “I can seek help from librarians in time;” on the other hand, they are unanimously unsatisfied with the recreation service, dining space as well as artistic creation; (7) through the four-quadrant map analysis, users of four libraries are in urgent need of the improvement in the item “Its book arrangement lets me easily find books.” (8) among the 28 indicators, junior high school students consider “plan and design of young adult space” more important than senior ones; users of young adult space in National Library of Public Information especially think “It meets my dining needs” more important than users of the other three libraries; (9) "different levels of school and different libraries" is one of the factors that influences the satisfaction of young adults; (10) compared with the study of Chu, Yi-Hsien (2012) and Chiwang, Mei-Wen (2013), teenagers generally hope that young adult space can meet their requirement for studying without any disturbance and socializing. Teenagers in Puli Library are still unsatisfied with air conditioning, reading tables and chairs, and searches for information; (11) teenagers in four libraries are all satisfied with the library space after rearrangement.
    According to the conclusions, the study suggests as the follows: (1) the four libraries should rearrange the displays of books in youth space; (2) National Taiwan Library should re-examine the environment and space design of its youth space; (3) New Taipei City Teenager Library should improve sound insulation of its youth space, to meet users needs; (4) National Library of Public Information should improve the stability of networks in its youth space; (5) Puli Library should reducethe temperature of its youth space.
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