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Title: | 人口高齡化下之金融服務探討 : 以F金融控股公司為例 Financial Services for an Aging Population : A Study of Examples from F Financial Holding Company |
Authors: | 陳盈如 Chen, Ying Ju |
Contributors: | 張士傑 陳盈如 Chen, Ying Ju |
Keywords: | 高齡化社會 金融商品 金融商品 人口結構 Aging society Financial products Retirement Population structure |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-10 09:52:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 高齡化社會是全球都將面對的問題,預估2018年我國將進入高齡社會,2026年將為超高齡社會,高齡者之經濟以及長期照護規劃更顯刻不容緩。本研究目的為探討目前我國金融市場現有之退休財務規劃商品,依台灣平均家戶所得區分成高中低三個層級,以個案金融控股公司為例,探討不同資產階層之族群該如何妥適安排退休財務規劃。 本研究以我國人口結構趨勢分析高齡化社會對金融市場的影響,進而了解高齡者之主要經濟來源及目前社會福利制度,以及高齡化社會之金融商品發展現況及風險分析。 在分析個案金融控股公司現有之金融商品對不同資產階層之適性配置後,針對個案公司提供建議包括:一、應開辦逆向抵押貸款服務;二、研發多元的信託服務,協助管理並將協助將其資本利得及利息收益用於安排高齡者生活、醫療及長照所需。同時建議政府機關應有相關因應措施:一、放寬開發結合安養照護、醫療及社會福利的商品;二、研議相關監理誘因;三、應予放寬賦稅優惠;四、師法國外先進制度及機制。 An aging society is an issue the globe will need to deal with. Taiwan is expected to move into an aged society in 2018, and further a hyper-aged society in 2026, making it critical to plan for economic support and long-term care for the aged population. This article is to examine financial products designed for retirement available in the market and then explore how different groups of people, categorized as high, medium, or low level by the standard of Taiwan average household income, can better prepare for their retirement by making reference to examples from a financial holding company. This article starts with understanding the potential impact from an aging society on the financial market and then the main income source of and social welfare system for the aged population, and continues with analyzing the development and associated risks of financial products designed for an aged society. After analysis of the product offering to different asset level clients by the financial holding company under study, suggestions to this company included (1) introduction of reverse mortgage product, and (2) innovation for more diversified trust service, in order to support the aged for preparing for their life and needs for medical and long-term care. In the meantime, corresponding actions suggested to the government authorities included (1) relaxation on product development to bundle long-term and medical care and social welfare, (2) provision of relevant regulatory incentives, (3) more tax benefits, and (4) introduction of better system and program from other countries. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 104932152 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104932152 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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