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Title: | 國家特性對銀行跨國併購之績效影響 The impact of country characteristics on the performance of commercial banking cross-border M&As |
Authors: | 陳瑋伶 |
Contributors: | 吳啟銘 Wu, Chi Ming 陳瑋伶 |
Keywords: | 商業銀行 跨國併購 宣告效果 Commercial banking Cross-border M&A Announcement effect |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-10 09:44:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 由於科技進步、國與國之間的監管制度放寬,使得產業邁向全球化,進而帶動金融業的跨國併購浪潮,並開啟了併購領域之實證研究。過去學者對於銀行併購動機與併購績效之研究,所探討的因子層面有所不同,因此,本研究欲探討影響銀行進行跨國併購動機的國家特性差異,對主併銀行的併購績效有何影響。 由SDC併購資料庫選取2002年至2014年,已開發和新興市場國家之商業銀行跨國併購案件作為研究樣本,以事件研究法探討主併國與被併國之國家特性因子,如:經濟規模、經濟成長率、金融產業發展程度,以及兩國間心理距離等,對主併銀行宣告效果之影響。 結果發現僅目標國之金融產業發展程度與主併銀行宣告效果呈顯著負相關,即併購金融發展程度較低的國家銀行,能為主併銀行獲得更多成長機會,故市場對於主併銀行短期的績效反應較為正面,主併銀行擁有正的異常報酬。 此實證結果符合「獲利機會理論 (Focarelli and Pozzolo, 2001b) 」故當銀行選擇併購策略時,建議可考慮往金融產業發展程度較低的新興市場國家,以獲取更多的成長機會與獲利空間。 With the advancement of technology and deregulation between countries, industries around the world have entered into a globalized era. Therefore, waves of cross-border merger and acquisition (M&A) among financial institutions have opened new area in M&A empirical research. Different factors were used in previous literatures on M&A motives and performance. As a result, this study examines whether country characteristic factors, which influence acquirer’s M&A motives, have impact on acquirer’s announcement effect. We use event study methodology with 105 final samples, which made of listed commercial banks in developed and emerging market countries (EMC) between 2002 and 2014, to analyze the effects of country characteristic factors (like GDP, GDP growth, financial development, and psychic distance) on the acquirer’s short-term performance. According to our results, we find that: First, on average, the acquirer’s announcement effect of EMC is higher than developed countries, but it is not statistically significant. Second, only the degree of financial development in target countries has significant impact on acquirer’s announcement effect, which is consistent with profit opportunity theory. Therefore, we suggest that acquirers can target commercial banks in financially underdeveloped countries to obtain more growth and profit opportunity. |
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