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    Title: 回應綠色債券之正當性危機—— 以世界銀行環境與社會框架為中心
    Response to the Legitimacy Crisis of Green Bond ─ Focus on World Bank Environmental and Social Framework
    Authors: 李建歡
    Li, Chien Huan
    Contributors: 施文真
    Li, Chien Huan
    Keywords: 綠色債券
    Green bond
    Green bond principles
    World bank
    Environmental and social framework
    Environmental risks
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-10 09:39:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年綠色債券作為新興的金融工具,因各國對於綠色經濟轉型之需求漸增備受矚目。在各界的推波助瀾下,綠色債券從2014年開始爆發式地成長。快速成長的過程中,投資人開始質疑綠色債券是否確實能帶來環境之正面效益,近兩年更開始擔憂其投資過程中反而造成了環境的負面外部性。此一質疑撼動了綠色債券存在之正當性,並成為其在未來成長必然的阻力。本文整理了截至2017年7月綠色債券之市場發展以及發行綠色債券的基本要件,並發現目前市場對於綠色債券環境負面外部性的關注漸增,但卻無相應的市場機制。
    In recent years, “green bond”, a novel financial instrument, has received gaining attention from capital market due to the increasing demand for green transition. Under the promotion from international community, green bond has experienced explosive growth. Despite the high speed growth, investors’ worries about whether green bonds could bring environmental positive effect, or even environmental negative effect in recent one or two years. This question shaked the legitimacy of the need for green bond’s existence, and necessarily deters the future development and market expansion of green bond. This thesis inquired into the green bond market and relevant mechanism until July 2017, and found out that little efforts has been put onto the possibility of negative externality avoidance and mitigation despite the increasing attention.
    Hence, this thesis sorted out the environmental management measures from Environmental and Social Framework of World Bank, in order to provide advice to different issuers, including financial institutions, governments, and corporations. Based on the reccomendations, this thesis would also provide advice to Green Bond Principles. At last, the thesis would evaluate Green Bond Operating Direction in TPEx, which was approved in April 2017.
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    IDFA, pub. L. No. 101-240, 521, 103 stat. at 2511.
    H.R. Rep. No. 108, 102 cong., 1st sess. At 17-18 (1991).
    S. Rep. No. 519, 101 st. Cong., 2d sess. (1990)
    S. Rep. No. 419, 102 cong., 2 sess. at 49 (1992)
    IBRD Articles of Agreement, Article III, Section 5.
    IDA Articles of Agreement; Article V, Section 1(g).
    Resolution of the Executive Directors establishing the Inspection Panel (No. 93-10 for the IBRD and 93-6 for IDA), approved on Sep. 22, 1993 and circulated as document No. SecM93-988 (IBRD) and SecM3-313 (IDA), Sep. 23, 1993.
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104351045
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文

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