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    题名: 社會企業如何取得資源—以A公司為例
    How do social enterprises acquire resources - illustrated by the case of Company A
    作者: 蔡蕙伃
    Tsai, Hui Yu
    贡献者: 蘇威傑
    Tsai, Hui Yu
    关键词: 社會企業
    Social enterprise
    Social ties
    Quality signals
    日期: 2017
    上传时间: 2017-08-10 09:39:23 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 隨著經濟的快速成長,產生了各種社會問題,而為了解決這些社會問題,許多社會企業隨之出現,這些企業希望在改善社會問題的同時,能透過盈利的方式,使組織永續經營,而本研究欲探討社會企業如何取得資源,換言之,哪些因素會影響資源擁有者提供資源的意願。
    With the rapid development of economy, a variety of social problems have arisen. As a result, many social enterprises have emerged in order to solve these social problems. These enterprises attempt to help solve social problems and meanwhile, they want to make the enterprise sustainable by making profit. This study wants to explore how social enterprises acquire resources. In other words, this study examines the factors that will affect the willingness of resource owners to provide resources.
    Referring to past literature about how social enterprises acquire resources, this study categorizes them into three factors that may affect the accessibility of resources for social enterprises, which are “social ties”, “quality signals” and “storytelling.” This study uses the method of case study. Through in-depth interviews and secondary information, we examine how each factor may affect social enterprises acquiring resources. Results show that among the three factors, storytelling is being used the most often to obtain resources. On the other hand, quality signals are used the least often. However, if a social enterprise has a very strong quality signal, it will be widely used. Finally, if a social enterprise has a good story and takes initiative to contact media, it can attract more media attention. Through various media channels, more resource owners will have the chance to know this social enterprise; therefore, the chance of acquiring resources may increase.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104351015
    数据类型: thesis
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