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    Title: 前期經驗對使命型創業家之影響: 以「綠然能源」為例
    The effect of prior knowledge on missionary entrepreneur – a case study of DOMI
    Authors: 章廷文
    Contributors: 侯勝宗
    Hou, Sheng-Tsung
    Keywords: 使命型創業家
    Missionary entrepreneur
    B Corp
    Social enterprise
    Prior knowledge
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-31 11:30:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自工業革命以降,資本主義驅動著經濟與社會不斷前進,市場經濟所創造的交易效率幾乎滲透了人們生活的方方面面。但是使人類引以為傲的資本主義卻也創造了日益嚴重的貧富差距與自然環境的破壞,廠商犧牲了利害關係人的利益,極大化股東的利益,這促使我們開始思考是否有不同的方式可以同時創造合理的利潤,也同時善待組織的利害關係人?Fauchart 和 Gruber (2011) 所提出的使命型創業家很可能是一個新解,使命型創業家以改變社會為己任,期待藉由自身組織來改變社會與環境問題。然而,是什麼樣的原因促使使命型創業家出現?且使命型創業家是如何透過商業模式在使組織賺錢的同時增進利害關係人之效益?為了回答這個問題,本研究欲透過Shane (2000) 的前期經驗理論、使命型創業家之自我認同、利社會動機理論,與 Porter 和 Kramer (2011) 的共享價值理論來檢視個案公司。本研究選擇綠然能源作為研究個案,綠然能源是全台灣第一間由美國B Lab認證的B型企業 (B Corp),成立已有四年的時間,且已經開始獲利,此外,綠然能源之共同創辦人再加入此事業前,皆擁有豐富的商業經驗與獨特對社會與環境的生命體驗。研究者透過質性研究方式,以半結構式訪談、實地觀察法和次級資料搜集進行研究,以探究前期經驗、自我認同與利社會動機對個案公司創辦人之影響,以及個案公司如何發展出具有共享價值之價值主張。最後本研究提出以下發現,使命型創業家之自我認同、利社會動機與前期經驗是其創業行為的核心,並且這將影響組織發展共享價值之價值主張,而團隊成員豐富的前期經驗也有助於組織辨識機會,發展具共享價值之商業模式。
    After Industrial Revolution, Capitalism drives human society and economy forward constantly. The efficiency that market economy creates, has almost penetrated into every level of our daily lives. However, the powerful Capitalism has also done severe damage to environment, enlarging the gap between the rich and the poor. These phenomena cause us to think is there any possible a firm can earn a reasonable profit and treat its stakeholders well at the same time? The research on missionary entrepreneur of Fauchart and Gruber (2011) may become a solution to the problem we are facing. The missionary entrepreneur considers contributing to a better world is critical to them and it is their responsibility to do act for the social & environmental cause. Yet what makes one become a missionary entrepreneur? And, how does missionary entrepreneur develop a business model to solve the social & environmental problem and make profit as well? To answer these questions, the study aims to analyze the case company with the prior knowledge theory of Shane (2000), the self-identity of missionary entrepreneur (Fauchart & Gruber, 2011), prosocial motivation, and creating shared value (Porter & Kramer, 2011). The study takes DOMI as the case company, because DOMI is the first one certified B Corp in Taiwan. 4 years after DOMI was founded, now the company has already made profit from its business. Additionally, the co-founders all have diverse and multiple business and entrepreneurial experience. Plus, all of them had unique experience of social & environmental problems. The research is done by qualitative research method, and the research data is collected through semi-structured interview, field observation and secondary data analysis. In the end, the study shows that diverse prior knowledge of organization members will help organization recognizes opportunity. Besides, prior knowledge, self-identity, and prosocial motivation influence the missionary entrepreneur behavior, which can also enhance organization to create shared value in its value proposition.
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