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Title: | 臺北市公立國中校長正向領導、教師情緒勞務與學校效能關係之研究 A study of the relationships among principal positive leadership, teacher emotional labor, and school effectiveness in Taipei municipal junior high schools |
Authors: | 楊昊韋 |
Contributors: | 秦夢群 施淑慎 楊昊韋 |
Keywords: | 校長正向領導 教師情緒勞務 學校效能 Principal positive leadership Teacher emotional labor School effectiveness |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-31 11:27:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在瞭解臺北市公立國中校長正向領導、教師情緒勞務與學校效能的現況,並比較不同背景變項之國中教師知覺校長正向領導、教師情緒勞務與學校效能的差異情形,最後探討國中校長正向領導、教師情緒勞務與學校效能之關係。 本研究採問卷調查法進行研究,以臺北市之公立國中正式教師為對象,共發出552份問卷,回收495份,有效問卷474份,回收有效率85.86%。調查所得資料以IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0版電腦統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關以及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、臺北市公立國中教師知覺校長正向領導為中高程度,以「善用正向溝通」之知覺程度最高,「賦予正向意義」之知覺程度最低。 二、臺北市公立國中教師知覺教師情緒勞務為中高程度,以「基本的情緒表達」之知覺程度最高,「情緒多樣性程度」之知覺程度最低。 三、臺北市公立國中教師知覺學校效能為中高程度,以「教師教學成效」之知覺程度最高,「學生學習表現」之知覺程度最低。 四、就臺北市公立國中教師知覺「校長正向領導」而言,「性別」、「年齡」、「現任職務」、「服務年資」、「校長性別」、「學校規模」與「學校歷史」皆為重要之影響因素,以男性、51歲以上、擔任主任或組長、服務年資21年以上、男性校長、學校規模24班以下與學校歷史31~50年之學校教師知覺程度較高。 五、就臺北市公立國中教師知覺「教師情緒勞務」而言,「學校規模」為重要之影響因素,以學校規模49班以上之學校教師知覺程度較高。 六、就臺北市公立國中教師知覺「學校效能」而言,「性別」、「現任職務」、「校長性別」與「學校歷史」皆為重要之影響因素,以男性、擔任主任或組長、男性校長與學校歷史50年以下之學校教師知覺程度較高。 七、校長正向領導、教師情緒勞務與學校效能呈現兩兩正相關情形。 八、校長正向領導、教師情緒勞務對學校效能具有預測作用,以校長正向領導之「賦予正向意義」構面的預測力最佳。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、國中校長、教師及未來研究之參考。 The study aims to tap into the current situation of Taipei municipal junior high schools in terms of three aspects – principal positive leadership, teacher emotional labor, and school effectiveness. It also compares and analyzes junior high school teachers’ perceptions of the three aspects considering the teachers’ different background characteristics. Most importantly, the study explores the relationships among those three aspects of the schools. In order to conduct the study, a statistical survey was carried out, with a total of 552 questionnaires distributed to Taipei municipal junior high school teachers. In the end, 495 questionnaires were returned, but only 474 were valid responses – a response rate of 85.86%. The acquired data were later processed through IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0, for performing descriptive statistics, an independent samples t-test, a one-way analysis of variance, and carrying out Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The results are as follows: 1.The degree to which Taipei municipal junior high school teachers perceive principal positive leadership styles is middle-high; among the different aspects of principal positive leadership, “engaging in positive communication” is the most perceived one while the aspect of “reinforcing positive meanings” is the least perceived. 2.The degree to which Taipei municipal junior high school teachers perceive their emotional labor is middle-high; among the different aspects of teacher emotional labor, “basic emotional expression” is the most perceived one while the aspect of “the amount of variety of emotions” is the least perceived. 3.The degree to which Taipei municipal junior high school teachers perceive school effectiveness is middle-high; among the different aspects of school effectiveness, “teachers’ teaching effectiveness” is the most perceived one while the aspect of “students’ learning achievement” is the least perceived. 4.Taipei municipal junior high school teachers’ perceptions of principal positive leadership can vary greatly with the teachers’ gender, age, current positions, seniority in school, the principals’ gender, school size, and school history. 5.Taipei municipal junior high school teachers’ perceptions of their emotional labor can vary greatly with school size. 6.Taipei municipal junior high school teachers’ perceptions of school effectiveness can vary greatly with the teachers’ gender, current positions, the principals’ gender, and school history. 7.Principal positive leadership, teacher emotional labor, and school effectiveness correlate positively with each other. 8.Principal positive leadership and teacher emotional labor can be used to predict school effectiveness; the strategy of principal positive leadership – “reinforcing positive meanings” – is the best predictor. Based on the above results, the study wraps up with concrete suggestions for institutions of educational administration, principals and teachers of junior high schools, as well as future research. |
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