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    Title: 俄羅斯的跨媒介敘事—論新現象與使用者參與
    Transmedia storytelling in Russia: new phenomenon and user engagement
    Authors: 陳美玲
    Arslanova, Svetlana
    Contributors: 陳聖智
    Chen, Sheng-Chih
    Svetlana Arslanova
    Keywords: 跨媒體講故事
    Transmedia storytelling
    Russian audiences
    User engagement
    Media platforms
    Second screen usage
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-31 11:15:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Transmedia storytelling represents how a narrative expands across multiple platforms. It is a highly successful strategy that producers and marketers use to gain maximum profit from their campaigns. This study answers research questions about how the Russian audience engages with a not well-known phenomenon in the country- transmedia storytelling. The goal of this study is to expand the knowledge of the Russian audience’s behavior, gather empirical data on which extent the consumers interact with their favorite narrative and which platforms they are likely to use to engage. In addition, the second screen usage pattern will be further analyzed in this study. Despite the unawareness about the term “transmedia”, there still have been a few transmedia productions in Russia that gained necessary audience’s interest.
    The emphasis of the study is on the new metrics of audience engagement – The 4 I’s of Transmedia storytelling which are Interactivity, Immersion, Integration, and Impact.
    The on-line survey research method has been used in the study to generate valuable data about transmedia storytelling in Russia. This research is the first of its own that includes real answers of the Russian participants. Most of the previous researches concentrated mostly on literature review or the analysis of some transmedia projects implemented in Russia before.
    In our research, we have found that 1) the Russian respondents showed high level of willingness to interact with the narrative, to search more information about products or services presented in the narrative as well as dig dipper into the story world; 2) web-site is the most popular platform for engagement with transmedia, followed by VKontakte and Instagram; 3) such second screen usage as live Tweeting is not popular among the respondents, however their willingness to search more live information about the narrative they are watching is high.
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