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Title: | 居住正義-從城市權談起 Housing Justice: from the right to the city |
Authors: | 楊明瑜 Yang, Ming-Yu |
Contributors: | 陳起行 Chen, Chi-Shing 楊明瑜 Yang, Ming-Yu |
Keywords: | 城市權 居住正義 David Harvey Henri Lefebvre Right to the city Housing justice David harvey Henri lefebvre |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-31 11:13:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 居住為人的基本需求。近年來,房價高漲的議題逐漸受到重視,許多人無法負擔高昂的房價與租金,只能住在擁擠的房子或流離失所,或因為背負著鉅額的房屋貸款或租金而犧牲生活品質。因此在選舉時居住正義成為候選人的競選政見之一,國內也發生以居住正義為口號而發起的許多社會運動。一般而言,學界通常會以聯合國《經濟社會與文化權利國際公約》第11條以及針對該公約的第7號一般性意見作為闡述居住權內涵的文本內容,以及憲法第15條關於財產權保障的角度討論居住權。惟法律研究鮮少針對資本社會進行背後脈絡的剖析。 本研究希望先藉由爬梳在資本社會中資本運轉的邏輯是什麼,並以城市權(right to the city)理論發展居住正義的內涵。故本研究分二部分,第一部分利用新馬克斯主義地理學者David Harvey的資本循環理論以及掠奪式積累作為詮釋資本社會的核心,以及使用價值與交換價值矛盾的現象解釋反思的房地產市場。第二部分則以城市權理論探討居住正義的意涵,並據以回應2012年發生於臺北市士林區文林苑的都市更新爭議中所遇到的困境。 最後,本研究認為處理房價高漲的關鍵,在於房地產不適合作為一般商品販賣。房價與城市剩餘價值的分配密切相關,剩餘價值不應由所有權人獨享。因此本質上是政治、經濟以及社會的集體問題。城市權理論本身重視住民與城市互動的政治關係,此為集體的關係,並強調找回城市的使用價值,避免交換價值凌駕城市的發展。故以此理論發展的思維框架將有助於我們扭轉房價高漲的困境,達成居住正義的目標。 Residing somewhere is one of the basic needs of people. In recent years, the high house prices had become important topic in public opinion. During the election period, it was one of the candidates’ political reviews to deal with this problem. Many social movements dedicated to Housing Justice also arose from civil society. In general, academics often discuss the right to housing in the context of “article 11 of the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights” and “general comment No. 7 on the Convention” as a textual expression on the meaning of it. Moreover, to discuss it in the context of Article 15 of the Constitution on the protection of property rights. Nevertheless, there are few legal researches focus on the logic of capital society. The purpose of this study is to find out what the logic of capital operation in the capital society is, and to develop the connotation of housing justice with the theory of “Right to the City”. The first part of this study uses the new Marxist geographer David Harvey`s theory of “circuits of circulation” and “accumulation by dispossession” as the core of the interpretation of capital society. Further, using the contradictions between use value and exchange value to reflect the real estate market. The second part discusses the meaning of Housing Justice with the theory of the “Right to the City” and responds to the dilemma faced in the urban renewal dispute in Wenlinyuan, Shihlin District, Taipei. Finally, the study argues that the key to high house prices is that real estate is not suitable for general merchandise trafficking. The price is closely related to the distribution of the city`s surplus value, and the surplus value should not be exclusive for the owners. Hence, the high house prices is essentially a political, economic and social collective issue. Theory of the “Right to the City” emphasizes the political relationship between residents and urban, which is a collective relationship, stresses the use value of the city, and avoids the exchange value dominating the city`s development. Therefore, the theoretical framework will help us to reverse the plight of housing prices, and to achieve the goal of housing justice. |
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四、法律文件 聯合國世界城市權憲章(World Charter for the Right to the City) 聯合國經濟社會文化權利國際公約(International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 103651027 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103651027 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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