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    Title: 能者多勞:主管青睞與組織誘因的調節效果研究
    All lay loads on a willing horse: the moderating effects of supervisors` liking and organizational inducements
    Authors: 李文陽
    Lee, Wen Yang
    Contributors: 郭建志
    Lee, Wen Yang
    Keywords: 能幹程度
    Work overload
    Workplace mental health
    Organizational inducements
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-31 11:12:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「能者多勞」是指能幹員工在職場中做更多工作的現象。近年來,能幹員工對於組織的重要性獲得高度關注,儘管過往證據顯示這些員工在職場上有時會受到來自太多工作或是責任的負擔,目前仍很少有研究檢驗員工能幹程度與工作過荷的關聯,本研究即以實證方式檢驗此現象的存在與其對職場心理健康的衝擊,並將主管的角色納入考量,探討主管青睞可能扮演的調節角色,以及在工作要求-資源模式的基礎上,試圖了解組織誘因的緩衝效果。本研究採用便利取樣,並以對偶問卷進行資料蒐集,研究對象為一般企業之直屬主管及部屬,共回收紙本問卷188套及網路問卷33套,得有效問卷169套,有效回收率為76%。研究結果顯示,自評的部屬能幹程度能預測部屬之工作過荷感受,且工作過荷可以中介能幹程度至職場心理健康的負面影響;然而,主管青睞與組織誘因在能幹程度、工作過荷與職場心理健康的關聯中皆無發現預期的調節效果。最後,本研究針對結果進行討論,並說明研究貢獻、研究限制與未來研究方向。
    "All Lay Loads on a Willing Horse" refers to the phenomenon that high-competence employees do more work in the workplace. In recent years, the importance of high-competence employees in the organizations is highly valued. Although previous evidence supported that these employees are sometimes burdened with too much work or responsibility in the workplace. The relationship between employees` competence and work overload was rarely examined. This study aims to investigate the existence of this phenomenon and its impact on workplace mental health in an empirical way. Takes the role of supervisor into account, discuss the moderating role of supervisors’ liking. Meanwhile, tries to understand the buffering effect of organizational inducements on the basis of JDR model. Research data is collected by a dyadic questionnaire survey with convenience sampling. Subjects are paired supervisor and subordinate in general enterprises. 188 sets of paper questionnaires and 33 sets of internet questionnaires were returned. Totally get 169 sets of effective questionnaires, the effective rate is 76%. The result reveals that self-evaluation competence can predict the subordinates’ work overload, and work overload can mediate the negative impact on workplace mental health. However, supervisors’ liking and organization inducements do not have expected moderating effect in the relationship between competence to work overload and work overload to workplace mental health. Finally, research finding, theoretical contribution, research constraints and future research directions are discussed.
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