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    Title: 以自殺歷程觀探索不同自殺危險組別之危險因子: 以台北市生命線安心專線紀錄為依據
    Exploration of suicidal risk factors of different suicidal risk groups through the lens of Suicidal Process: an analysis of suicidal callers of Taipei lifeline association
    Authors: 林怡彤
    Contributors: 許文耀
    Keywords: 自殺歷程觀
    Suicidal process
    Suicidal risk
    Suicidal risk factors
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2017-07-31 11:12:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究參考自殺的歷程觀,認為長期累積的不利因素將造成個體的自殺危險,且不利因子越多,個體的自殺危險性越高(吳英璋、金樹人、許文耀,民84)。為了在短時間內收集較多的自殺危險個體資料,本研究採用台北市生命線協會協辦的安心專線之電話紀錄為數據進行二次分析,驗證是否高自殺危險個體具有較多的不利因子,並探討不利因素為何?以及具不同自殺危險指標的族群在哪些因子上會有差異。本研究樣本為1182筆於2011至2013年間,在台北市生命線安心專線之資料庫(台灣eSOS自殺危機個案處理系統)留下個案紀錄的資料。去除可辨識個人的資料(姓名、住址等),進行非記名、非互動且非介入性之研究。將資料以過去有無自殺企圖、現在有無自殺意念,區分成四個自殺危險組別。其中本研究依過去理論,推論過去無自殺企圖現在也無自殺意念組(組0)為自殺危險性最低組,具有現在的自殺意念或過去的自殺企圖其中之一者(組1、組2)自殺危險次之,而過去有自殺企圖現在有自殺意念組(組3)為自殺危險性最高組。並以多項式邏輯斯回歸進行分析,探討對於這四個組別具預測力的因子為何。結果顯示女性、有伴侶、獨居、無工作、有精神疾病、有物質濫用皆是會累積造成自殺危險的不利因素,且自殺危險最高的組3的確具有最多的不利因素,組1和組2次之。處在不良或匱乏的人際關係者(有伴侶者、獨居者)較可能具有自殺意念,女性、有心理病理因素者(有精神疾病、有物質濫用者)較可能有過自殺企圖。
    According to suicidal process, the suicidal risk factors can cumulatively cause an individual’s suicidal risk. Furthermore, the more suicidal risk factors are, the higher suicidal risk is (Wu, Jin, & Hsu, 1995). Using台灣eSOS自殺危機個案處理系統 as the database, this study undertook a secondary analysis to examine whether the highest suicidal risk group had the most suicidal risk factors and to understand what these risk factors were. Moreover, this study also aimed to find out if there were any differences between different suicidal risk groups. To understand the questions mentioned before, this study analyzed the data of the Taipei Lifeline callers from 2011 to 2013, dividing data into four groups according to previous suicidal attempt record and current suicidal ideation record: group 0 (the lowest suicidal risk group) had no previous suicidal attempt and no current suicidal ideation; group 1 had no previous suicidal attempt but had current suicidal ideation; group 2 had previous suicidal attempt without current suicidal ideation; group 3 (the highest suicidal risk group) had both previous suicidal attempt and current suicidal ideation. This study conducted a multinominal logistic regression to find out which suicidal risk factors could significantly predict the four suicidal risk groups. The results showed that female, having a romantic partner, living alone, unemployment, psychiatric disorders, and substance abuse could all cumulatively cause an individual’s suicidal risk. Furthermore, the group 3 did have the highest suicidal risk factors and was followed by group 2 and 1. The results also showed that having a problematic or lack of interpersonal relationship could lead to higher risk of having current suicidal ideation, while female and people with psychiatric disorder had greater risk of having a previous suicidal attempt.
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