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    Title: 合作式數位閱讀標註系統對於數學應用問題學習成效的影響研究
    The effects of solving mathematics problems with the support of collaborative digital reading annotation system on learning performance
    Authors: 郭芙秀
    Kuo, Fu Hsiu
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chih Ming
    Kuo, Fu Hsiu
    Keywords: 合作式數位閱讀標註系統
    Cooperative digital reading annotation system
    Learning outcome
    Learning motivation
    Mathematical application problems
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-31 11:11:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來隨著網路學習的發展,能夠透過網路輔以學習者進行線上合作閱讀學習的合作數位閱讀標註系統興起,並已發展出多媒體的標註模式,不但可以由學生自己針對閱讀文本進行合作閱讀標註,更可以在閱讀文本上進行標註互動討論,具有提昇閱讀理解成效的效益。而數學應用問題的閱讀理解,影響學習者對於數學應用問題的解題甚巨,但是長久以來並無好的提升數學應用問題閱讀理解策略。本研究比較採用合作數位閱讀標註系統及使用傳統同儕面對面合作學習數學應用問題的實驗組與控制組學習者,在解決數學應用問題的學習成效及學習動機上是否具有顯著差異。此外,亦探討場地獨立/場地依賴型不同認知風格及高/低不同學習能力的學習者,採用上述兩種不同學習方法進行數學應用問題學習之學習成效與學習動機是否具有顯著的差異,最後探討實驗學習者使用此合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔以數學應用問題學習之學習滿意度。
    Along with the development of web-based learning in past years, cooperative digital reading annotation systems, which could assist learners in online cooperative reading learning through the Internet, are emerged. Besides, multimedia annotation models are also developed for students, aiming at the reading texts, proceeding cooperative reading annotation as well as annotation interactive discussion on the reading texts. It presents the benefit to enhance the reading comprehension efficiency. The reading comprehension of mathematical application problems would largely affect learners’ mathematical application problem solving. However, there has not been a good strategy to enhance the reading comprehension of mathematical application problems. In comparison with the experimental group and the control group, which respectively apply the cooperative digital reading annotation system and traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning to solve mathematical application problems, the differences in the learning outcome and learning motivation are discussed in this study. Furthermore, learners with field independent/field dependent cognitive styles and high/low learning abilities are preceded above two different learning approaches for learning mathematical application problems to discuss the differences in the learning outcome and learning motivation. Finally, learners learning mathematical application problems with the cooperative digital reading annotation system in the experiment are discussed the learning satisfaction.
    The research findings are summarized as below. (1) Learners applying the cooperative digital reading annotation system to learn the mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown present better learning outcome and learning motivation than those using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning for the mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown. (2) The experimental group, applying the cooperative digital reading annotation system to learn mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown, still outperforms the experimental group, using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning, on the learning outcome after return to general learning. (3) Learners with either field independent or field dependent cognitive style present significant better learning motivation, after learning mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown with the cooperative digital reading annotation system, than those applying traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning. (4) Learners with either high or low ability show remarkably better learning motivation, after learning mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown with the cooperative digital reading annotation system, than those using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning. (5) Field independent learners in the experimental group present better learning motivation than field dependent learners after using the cooperative digital reading annotation system. (6) Learners with high learning ability in the experimental group reveal better learning motivation than those with low ability after using the cooperative digital reading annotation system.
    In sum, the learning model for the reading comprehension of mathematical application problems with the cooperative digital reading annotation system proposed in this study could enhance the benefits of learning motivation and reading comprehension. It could be promoted to solve the reading comprehension of more complicated mathematical units and even to become the flipped teaching model for innovative mathematics teaching.
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