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    Title: 圖書館視障資源館藏書目共享制度之研究
    A study of bibliographies resource sharing in libraries by alternative format materials for the visually impaired
    Authors: 陳宜慧
    Chen, Yi Hui
    Contributors: 林巧敏
    Lin, Chiao Min
    Chen, Yi Hui
    Keywords: 視障資源
    Alternative format materials
    Sharing of bibliographic data
    Model of cooperation
    Resource sharing
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-31 11:10:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國立臺灣圖書館於2012年12月啟用「視障電子資源整合查詢系統」,為視障資源整合開啟合作的開端,為瞭解臺灣地區提供視障資源服務的公共圖書館、大學圖書館及私立視障機構間之資源分享意向,本研究採取質性研究方法,以立意選擇視障資源服務較具規模者,共12個單位,以訪談方式進行研究調查。最後提出4個面向的研究建議,作為相關機構訂定計畫及服務之參考。




    National Taiwan Library launched Visual Impairment Information System in December 2012 which started the integration of visual impairment resources. To realize the intension of resources sharing in the public libraries, university libraries and private organizations which have alternative formats materials available in Taiwan. The study adopt qualitative interview research method, and choose 12 units which provide services to visually impaired people with quite scale.

    The study gets results in three aspects:
    I. Bibliographies of visually impaired materials are
    offered by centralized union catalog.
    1.Visual Impairment Information System:
    First, it can be not to buy and produce materials in
    duplicate with respect to organizations. But timing of
    producing alternative materials is still need to be
    considered. Second, there is another way to find
    materials, but the interface of the system should be
    more friendly with respect to readers.

    2.The intensions and difficulties of sharing and
    cooperation of visually impaired organizations.
    (1)12 units have the same responses of willing to
    participate in the cooperation:
    The need can be satisfied with bibliographical sharing
    when visually impaired people find materials. Every
    organization has the same opinion not to produce and
    to record books in duplicate.
    (2)There are three aspects of difficulties of sharing and
    cooperation: systematic, mental and expectant
    1)Bibliographies can be connected and accessed by API
    program, and the library designate provides the cost of
    API program.
    2)The organization with less resources hope to cooperate
    as soon as possible to increase resources for
    3)The organization with rich resources demand for
    performance, achievement and feedback.

    II. Resources sharing and interlibrary loan
    1.Electronic full-text materials are hard to share, and
    access the materials with single authentication.
    2.Providing home delivery service of print materials in
    alternative formats and audio books will have been more
    3.Formulate the goals, meanings, roles and functions of
    cooperated organizations.

    III. The model of sharing and cooperation in visually
    impaired resources
    1.Centralized union catalog and distributed services are
    2.Producing materials in alternative formats is
    professional. Blind-used computers are developing
    continuously. Library designate should give advice,
    assistance and supports.
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