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    Title: 電動機車共享經濟租賃服務消費意願之研究:聯合分析法
    A research of purchasing intention of electric scooter rental service for sharing economy: application of conjoint analysis
    Authors: 蔡凱任
    Tsai, Kai Jen
    Contributors: 許志義
    Hsu, Jyh Yih
    Tsai, Kai Jen
    Keywords: 電動機車
    Electric scooter
    Sharing economy
    Rental service
    Conjoint analysis
    Questionnaire survey
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-24 12:14:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國內新創公司「WeMo Scooter 威摩科技」於2016年10月初於台北信義區舉辦大型開幕會暨騎乘體驗,提供智慧電動機車租賃服務,其目標是在五年內改變台北的城市樣貌。
    以倒序計分加權法計算各個初步因素得分,得到4個最終因素,分別為「使用價格」、「天氣狀況」、「使用目的」及「步行至目標電動機車時間」。而依照聯合分析所得之實證結果,各因素相對重要性分別為「天氣狀況(重要性63.06%)」、「使用價格(重要性17.84%)」、「步行至目標電動機車時間(重要性14.31%)」以及「使用目的(重要性4.80%)」。最佳電動機車租賃服務組合為「前10分鐘10元,之後每分鐘4元 + 日常通勤 + 晴天 + 步行2分鐘」。
    實證結果顯示,WeMo Scooter營運初期之目標客群應以「天氣敏感群」為主,後期可再針對「重視方便群」作差異化行銷,而「價格敏感群」則不是WeMo Scooter的目標客群。本研究以聯合分析法分析消費者心中最重要的電動機車租賃服務因素以及最佳的因素水準組合,再進行集群分析將消費者作區隔,並提出適當結論與建議,期望給予在行車共享經濟模式下的電動機車租賃服務業者WeMo Scooter或有意進入者作為未來產品設計的考量依據,進而利用差異化市場區隔,設計符合電動機車租賃服務之消費族群的行銷策略。
    WeMo Scooter, the startup in our country, held the large-scale opening ceremony and the riding experience in the early Oct, 2016, in Xinyi District, Taipei City, which provides the rental service of electric scooter. The goal was expected to change the city condition of Taipei in the future five years.
    This research digs into the purchasing intention of electric scooter rental service, and the factors of affecting purchasing preference. First, the survey researches the important factors of electric scooter rental service, and applies conjoint analysis to design second-step survey, which are sent through social networking with convenience sampling. We will collect 238 valid questionnaires, and analyze, including frequency distribution, cluster analysis, and test of independent hypothesis.
    Using the reverse order weighting method, we finalize four factors, which are the price, weather condition, the purpose of usage, and the duration time during walking to the objective, electric scooter. With the conjoint analysis, we also finalize the results. The relative importance of factors are separately weather condition, which the importance occupies 63.06%, price, which importance occupies 17.84%, the duration time during walking to the objective, electric scooter, which importance occupies 14.31%, purpose of usage, which importance occupies 4.80%. The best service set of electric scooter rental service would be: $10 first 10 mins, and $4 per mins after 10 mins, also plus 2 mins walking time.
    With the purchasing preference of testee, we analyze two-step cluster analysis. We finalize the best number of cluster would be three, and have the value of cluster sample and part-worth. Cluster 1 emphasize the weather condition, so was named "Weather Sensitive Group", cluster 2 emphasize the price, so was named "Price Sensitive Group", cluster 3 emphasize the time during walking to the objective, electric scooter, so was named "Convenience Preference Group".
    The empirical result shows that the early operation of WeMo Scooter should put emphasis on "Weather Sensitive Group", and later operation can do the differentiated marketing to "Convenience Preference Group", while "Price Sensitive Group" is not the objective group of this study. This research analyzes the most important factors of customers using electric scooter rental service, and also the best factors of level combination. With this, we can separate the customers by cluster analysis, and give the proper conclusion and suggestion. We expect to give the reference for those who are the service vendor of electric scooter rental service under the caring sharing economy models or those who have potential to enter this industry. Furthermore, we can proceed to use the differentiated segmentation to determine the marketing strategy which accords with the electric scooter rental service.
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