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Title: | 臺北市公共住宅對周圍住宅價格之影響 The impact of public housing on nearby residential property values in Taipei city |
Authors: | 黃怡潔 Huang, Yi Jie |
Contributors: | 張金鶚 江穎慧 Chang, Chin Oh Chiang, Ying Hui 黃怡潔 Huang, Yi Jie |
Keywords: | 公共住宅 房價 空間迴歸模型 分量迴歸模型 差異中之差異法 Public housing Property values Spatial regression Quantile regression Difference in difference method |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-24 12:12:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年臺北市政府試圖藉由興建品質良好的公共住宅,解決住宅價格高漲影響人民居住的問題,然附近居民往往認為公共住宅會造成周圍住宅生活環境品質低落及房價下跌,反對其於住家鄰近興建。過去國內缺乏以實證方式計算公共住宅對周圍住宅價格之影響,亦尚未針對新推出的公營出租住宅個案深入分析;而國外相關研究雖有利用量化實證公共住宅與周圍房價關係,然多針對個別公共住宅社區為研究對象,對不同類型公共住宅及其對不同高低房價住宅之影響與差異,缺乏更全面的探討分析,且亦未釐清住宅價格的空間自相關特性及公共住宅設立的不同階段等,對周圍房價影響效果的差異。 本文應用特徵價格理論傳統迴歸模型、空間迴歸模型及分量迴歸模型,以2012年7月至2015年9月之臺北市不動產實價登錄交易資料為對象,研究整建住宅、出售國宅、出租國宅、公營出租住宅等四類不同時期公共住宅,於100~300公尺不同影響範圍下,分別對周圍住宅價格的影響效果。另外並選取興隆公共住宅作為個案研究對象,以臺北市文山區不動產實價登錄交易資料為對象,應用差異中之差異法結合空間迴歸模型,分析興隆公共住宅的興建完工與住戶入住對於周圍住宅價格之外溢效果。實證結果顯示,附近有早期興建之整建住宅及出租國宅者,其住宅總價皆呈現顯著下跌現象,分別下跌約1.7%至8.9%及1.5%至7.7%;附近有出售國宅之住宅總價漲跌情形不顯著;而近期興建之公營出租住宅則造成周圍住宅價格顯著上漲約1.7%至7.7%;又前述影響程度皆隨影響範圍擴大而隨之減輕。進一步分析不同影響範圍下對周圍高低房價住宅的影響,公營出租住宅對周圍低價住宅正向提升效果為6.2%至7.1%,皆大於高價住宅之無顯著影響至3.2%。而興隆公共住宅的興建完工確實能使周圍住宅價格較外圍地區多提升約6.5%至15.8%,惟住戶入住興隆公共住宅則未具顯著正向的價格外溢效果。由新興辦的公營出租住宅對周圍房價造成正面影響的實證結果,應可釐清公共住宅外部性之正向效果,有助後續公共住宅的興建。 In recent years, government has tried to build the public housing with high quality to solve the living problems caused by the soaring of the house price. However, residents beside the public housing often regard them as Nimbys that will detrimentally affect property values and oppose public housing to be built nearby. There were short of empirical studies that focus on the effects of public housing on nearby property, as well as the case study of social housing newly built in Taiwan. Besides, the empirical studies in foreign only select a specific public housing as their subject, which few of them analyze different effects caused by different types of public housing, ignore different effects on nearby property with different values, and have not clarify whether the spatial autocorrelation of property values as well as the construction and operation of the social housing leads to different results. This study analyzes the effect of social housing, resettled tenement, public housing for rent and for sale on nearby property values in different ranges separately by using hedonic price theory OLS, spatial and quantile regression as model, and selecting the sale price of real estate in Taipei City from July 2012 to September 2015 as sample. Besides, Xing-Long Social housing and sale prices of real estate in Wenshan district of Taipei City are also selected for case study applying Difference in Difference method with spatial regression, in order to analyze the nearby property values changes after the construction and the move in of the residents of Xing-Long social housing. The result shows that although resettled tenement and public housing for rent detrimentally affect the property values by 1.7% to 8.9% and 1.5% to 7.7% separately, public housing for sale does not affect the property values significantly, and social housing positively affects the property values by 1.7% to 7.7% on the contrary. In addition, these effects decline with distance from public housing. With regard to the impact on high and low priced property in different ranges, social housing has positive effect on low-priced property by 6.2% to 7.1% and no significant effect to 3.2% on high-priced property. The construction of Xing-Long social housing has positive spillover effect by 6.5% to 15.8%, however, the move in of the residents does not. Empirical results show that social housing newly built are able to enhance the property values nearby, which is contributed to the follow-up construction of the public housing. |
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