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    Title: 台灣新移民女性政治賦權之研究
    Political empowerment of female new immigrants in Taiwan
    Authors: 康逸琪
    Kang, Yi Chi
    Contributors: 彭立忠
    Kang, Yi Chi
    Keywords: 東南亞
    South east Asia
    Female immigrant
    Political empowerment
    Political participation
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-24 12:11:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 臺灣社會隨著新移民的逐年增加,根據內政部移民署統計,截至2016年2月以婚姻來台之東南亞新移民,女性約12萬人,這些新移民女性及新移民二代,是近年臺灣政府積極關心的對象。根據調查,多數新移民來台後生活會有許多考驗與不便,例如語言與生活適應,過去研究也顯示新移民嫁入的家庭多數較為貧窮或屬於農漁養殖業,新移民女性來台後的生活適應因此有許多困境,女性主義學者認為,「賦權」為一種改變弱勢、提升自我地位的手段與過程。
    The number of New Female Immigrants is gradually increasing in Taiwan; according to the statistics of Taiwan Immigration Department indicates, the population of the New Female Immigrant is 120,000 as of February 2016. Previous research indicates these female immigrants had lots of difficulties, such as learning foreign language and adaptation to different culture. Past research also confirms these New Female Immigrants` tough situations because most of them married to those who
    live in poor villages or engage in agriculture and fishery industry.

    Some feminist scholars suggest that empowerment is a mean way to enable New Female Immigrant to take control of her own life and improve her social status. Empowerment consists of different dimensions, such as economic, education and political empowerment; this thesis will focus on the political empowerment and discuss its effect on the New Female Immigrant by observing their participation in politics practically. There are three main inquiries in this thesis: First, what are the present situation and type of the New Female Immigration`s political empowerment in Taiwan? Second, what is the condition that influences the New Female immigrant`s political participation? Last but not least, what kind of role that political empowerment features in the present, and what is the interaction among economic, education and political empowerment?

    Through the in-depth interview with 12 New Female Immigrants in Taiwan and a Non-Government Organization (NGO) supervisor, this thesis figures out that New Female Immigrants can overcome their difficulties in daily life and weak status by participating in politics. These New Female Immigrants’ different cognitions of their social status lead to various types of political participation. In other words, their economic and educational background are not the key factors in their political participation. To sum up, the core of the New Female Immigrant’s political participation is their personality, experience, and political socialization in Taiwan, regardless of their economic or educational background.
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