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Title: | 構念層次對降低稀釋效果的影響 The effects of construal level on dilution effect |
Authors: | 楊芷頤 Yang, Tzu Yi |
Contributors: | 孫蒨如 楊芷頤 Yang, Tzu Yi |
Keywords: | 構念層次 心理距離 診斷性訊息 非診斷性訊息 稀釋效果 Construal level Psychological distance Diagnostic information Nondiagnostic information Dilution effect |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-24 12:10:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 過往研究發現人們在對特定目標進行判斷時,不見得能夠針對與判斷目標有關的診斷性訊息來做判斷,也常會受到與目標判斷無關的非診斷性訊息所影響,使得最後的判斷變得更為保守或有偏誤,此種情形稱之為「稀釋效果」。過去的研究者大多從非診斷性訊息的類型,或個體進行判斷時的動機與目的等因素著手,來探討如何能降低稀釋效果,但鮮少有研究針對與判斷更有關聯的診斷性訊息加以考量。此外,我們也發現過往研究也未曾考慮到個體在判斷時其思考構念層次對目標判斷所可能造成的影響。因此本研究嘗試從構念層次的角度切入,探討是否能夠藉由操弄個人的思考構念層次及訊息之構念層次,來影響個人在判斷上所可能出現的偏誤。在研究一中我們採用兩種心理距離(時間距離、社會距離)來操弄思考層次,各自分別進行2(思考的構念層次:高vs.低)× 2(診斷性訊息的構念層次:高vs.低)受試者間設計,探討何種心理距離在社會判斷上有更明顯的作用,及檢驗當個體的思考層次和診斷性訊息皆在同一個構念層次(配對)時,個體所做的判斷是否會較兩者並未在同一個層次(錯誤配對)時更強,所得結果部分符合假設。研究二則再加入非診斷性訊息進行驗證,研究參與者被隨機分派至2(思考的構念層次:高vs.低)× 2(診斷性訊息的構念層次:高vs.低)× 2(低構念層次之非診斷性訊息:有vs.無)受試者間設計。研究結果顯示,當思考層次和診斷性訊息與非診斷性訊息皆在同一層次時,不會產生稀釋效果;思考層次和兩種訊息皆不在同一層次時,雖然不會產生稀釋效果,但對目標對象的整體評價較低;而思考層次和其中任一種訊息不在同一構念層次,亦即錯誤配對時,則會對判斷產生干擾,造成稀釋效果,亦即對目標人物有著較低的評價。 Dilution effect refers to judgments that are influenced by nondiagnostic information and therefore become more conservative or less accurate. Previous researches focus mainly on the effects of nondiagnostic information types and motivations on the dilution effect and have not considered the possible impacts of the construal level of information. The present study tried to take the concept of construal level into consideration, and explored whether the match of construal level among individual’s thinking, diagnostic information (DI), and nondiagnostic information (NDI) had impacts on the dilution effect.
Experiment 1 examined the possible effects of the match between the construal level of thinking and DI. We employed temporal distance and social distance as methods to manipulate construal level of thinking. Participants were randomly assigned to a 2 (construal level of thinking: high vs. low) × 2 (construal level of DI: high vs. low) factorial design. The results showed that participants with near temporal distance and concrete diagnostic information made more accurate judgement of the target person.
In Experiment 2, participants were randomly assigned to a 2 (construal level of thinking: high vs. low) × 2 (construal level of DI: high vs. low) × 2 (low construal level of NDI: with vs. without) factorial design. The results showed that when the individual’s thinking, DI, and NDI were at the same construal level (match), participants seemed to be able to process information well and therefore showed no dilution effect of their judgements. Besides, we also found that when the individual’s thinking, DI, and NDI were not at the same construal level (mismatch), the dilution effect would occur and the judgments became more conservative. Further implications were also discussed. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 心理學系 101752008 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101752008 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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