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    Title: 論同情感理論-從心理諮商到謝勒的現象學重構
    A study of the theory of sympathy — from psychological counseling to Max Scheler’s phenomenology
    Authors: 唐維凰
    Tang, Wei-Huang
    Contributors: 林遠澤
    Lin, Yuan-Ze
    Tang, Wei-Huang
    Keywords: 現象學
    Max Scheler
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-24 12:09:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文首先闡釋同理心在心理學上使用以及其侷限,而藉由現象學無預設的方式來奠基心理學理論的不足,主要透過馬克思‧謝勒的同情感理論,剖析其中對於同情感的描述,提供當代對於同情或是同理的疑惑新的解決之道,為未來人文療癒之路作一鋪成。
    This thesis first explains the use of empathy in psychology and its limitations. Through the phenomenological approach of presuppositions to be the foundation of the psychological theory, mainly by the Max Scheler’s theory of sympathy. Analyzed the differences between sympathy and empathy. To provide a new solution to the doubts about sympathy and empathy that people know how to use in the future. Especially offer the new way of Humanities Therapy open the bright horizon for us.
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