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    Title: 關鍵查核事項與權益資金成本之關聯性研究
    An empirical study of key audit matters and cost of equity capital
    Authors: 吳欣佩
    Contributors: 梁嘉紋
    Keywords: 關鍵查核事項
    Key audit matters
    Cost of equity capital
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-24 11:57:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在全球金融危機之後,投資人、債權人及財務報表預期使用者開始期待原本制式的會計師查核報告能提供財務報表使用者更多攸關資訊及公司個別化,並且內容能更加深入。在各界的需求與期待下,英國財務報告理事會於2013年率先發佈新的會計師查核報告準則,對會計師查核報告格式與要素之重大改革作出回應。其中,要求查核報告揭露關鍵查核事項希冀提高查帳報告的透明度,也強化會計師與公司經營團隊、獨立董事間的溝通,揭露可能影響公司營運的重大風險及相關查核風險。本研究乃探討關鍵查核事項之揭露與關鍵查核事項數目對權益資金成本的影響,並進一步探討關鍵查核事項之數目與權益資金成本下降幅度相關。實證結果顯示,揭露關鍵查核事項的揭露與企業之權益資金成本為顯著負相關,且關鍵查核事項的數目與權益資金成本呈正相關。綜上,關鍵查核事項之揭露有助於提升查核報告資訊價值,降低資訊不對稱的情形,進而降低公司之權益資金成本。
    After the global financial crisis, investors, creditors and users of financial statements begin to expect the original auditor’s report to provide more related information and individualization of the company, and the content can be more in-depth. Under the needs and expectations, the UK Financial Reporting Council was the first to issue a new auditor`s reporting guidelines in 2013 to respond to the major changes in the auditor`s reporting format and elements. Among them, the requirements of the audit report to disclose the key items hope to improve the transparency of the auditor’s report, but also to strengthen the communication between the accountants and the company’s management and independent directors, disclosing the risks may affect the company`s operation and related audit risks. This study examines the impact of disclosing key audit matters and the number of key audit matters on the cost of equity capital and further considers the number of key audit matters related to the decrease in cost of equity capital. The empirical results show that the disclosure of key audit matters is negatively correlated with the cost of equity capital, and the number of key audit matters is positively correlated with the cost of equity capital. In summary, the disclosure of key audit matters will help to improve the informative value of the auditor’s report, reducing the information asymmetry, thereby reducing the company`s cost of equity capital.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104353005
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