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    Title: 以科技接受模式探討行動叫車App之使用行為-以Uber為例
    Customer adoption of mobile taxi applications: the application of technology acceptance model to the service of Uber
    Authors: 呂慈曾
    Lu, Tzu Tseng
    Contributors: 陳建維
    Lu, Tzu Tseng
    Keywords: 科技接受模式
    Technology acceptance model
    Mobile taxi
    Perceived usefulness
    Social influence
    Mobile service quality
    Willingness to use
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-24 11:56:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著5G網路通訊技術逐漸發展成熟、雲端服務及由互聯網所帶來的數位化商機,2015年行動商務的使用者人數,呈現爆發性的成長,而行動商務所帶來的各式服務,逐漸擴大到每個人的日常生活圈。
    過去在預測消費者對於新科技使用的行為時,學者大多以科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model,簡稱TAM)為基礎來探討,故本研究以科技接受模式為基礎,再加入「社會影響」、「個人需求」、「行動服務品質」、「知覺風險」、「顧客滿意度」五項變數,以Uber為例,探討消費者使用行動叫車App的影響因素。本研究採用問卷分析方式,有效問卷共計343份,經迴歸分析後發現,影響使用意願的因素為「社會影響」、「行動服務品質」、「知覺有用性」及「顧客滿意度」四項,而「個人需求」、「知覺風險」對使用意願的影響則不顯著。另外,「知覺易用性」雖然沒有對使用意願產生影響,但會影響「知覺有用性」,進而影響使用意願。
    With the technology in the 5th generation mobile networks gradually becoming mature, as well as the existing cloud services and the Internet together have brought business opportunities in the Digital sphere. There is an explosive growth of users involving in mobile commerce in 2015, and the various services that mobile commerce has to offer have played a more important role in our daily life than ever.
    Online taxi booking is a kind of mobile commerce service. Different from the old-fashioned way dialing the phone to order a taxi, online taxi booking can only be done via the mobile app free of charge. With its continuous growth, online taxi booking is getting popular and is the future trend of the taxi market.
    Previous studies mostly use the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to predict the consumer behavior when it comes to introducing the use of new technology. Hence, this study is constructed on the TAM while adding other 5 factors into consideration: “Social Influence”, “Individual Demand”, “Mobile Service Quality”, “Perceived Risk” and “Customer Satisfaction”. This study will use Uber as a research subject to further explore the influencing factors of consumers` use of the mobile taxi-booking app. After employing regression analysis, it is found that the factors influencing the willingness to use are “Social Influence”, “Mobile Service Quality”, “Perceived Usefulness” and "Customer Satisfaction", while " Individual Demand" and "Perceived Risk" are not significant. In addition, although “Perceived Ease of Use” does not necessarily lead to the consumer’s willingness to use, it may affect the willingness to use through influencing “Perceived Usefulness”.
    In closing, this study has given some advice on the mobile taxi-booking app and the taxi industry’s marketing strategies based on the research findings.
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