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Title: | 視頻網站先進者與後進者之策略行銷分析: 以樂視網、優酷網為例 Marketing strategy analysis of first and late mover advantage in the video website industry the cases of LeTV, Youku |
Authors: | 金肖序 |
Contributors: | 邱志聖 金肖序 |
Keywords: | 4C架構 先進者優勢 策略行銷 視頻網站 樂視網 優酷網 4C framework First mover advantage Strategic marketing Video site Letv Youku |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-11 14:48:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著web2.0的時代到來,很多基於互聯網的產品也發展迅速。分享性視頻網站YouTube誕生之後,中國大陸也開始了網絡視頻的發展。然而視頻網站在2006-2007年爆發式出現之後,又相繼沒落,真正能夠留下來並且流量大幅成長、甚至盈利的網站並不多。本研究以先進者樂視網,後進者優酷網為研究個案,以策略行銷4C架構來分析作為中國大陸視頻網站的先進者和後進者建立了哪方面的優勢從而在市場中立足,並且這些優勢是通過什麼樣的策略建立起來並可以支撐網站成為其核心競爭優勢。最終,本研究通過分析先進者樂視網和後進者優酷網兩家成功企業所建立的交換成本找到了其建立的核心優勢,並給出了視頻網站成立之後的實務建議。 With the advent of web2.0, many Internet-based products are growing rapidly. After the birth of the sharing of video sites YouTube, mainland China also began the development of online video site. However, only few video sites can survive in the competitive market and grow successfully. This study examines the competitive advantage of the first mover, Letv and the late mover, Youku, based on the 4C framework. It also explore what kinds of strategies that the two video sites deploy to develop their core competitive advantages. In the end, the study finds the core advantage of the establishment of the two companies by analyzing the exchange cost established, and gives the practical suggestions after the establishment of the video website. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 104351049 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1043510491 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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