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    Title: 新傳播科技對「運動媒體複合體」之影響:以OTT轉播台灣職棒為例
    The impact of the new communication technologies on Sports-Media Complex: A case study of distributing Taiwanese professional baseball program via OTT service
    Authors: 徐政鴻
    Hsu, Cheng-Hung
    Contributors: 劉昌德
    Hsu, Cheng-Hung
    Keywords: 運動媒體複合體
    Sports-media complex
    OTT service
    Broadcasting rights market
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-11 12:24:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 網路和行動科技的發展,促使全球進入OTT服務時代,職業運動產業亦深受影響。中華職棒於2014年成立CPBL TV,成為台灣職棒OTT服務之先驅;隨後發生電視轉播權爭議,下半季起改由球隊各自尋找轉播單位,各球隊並於2015年開始陸續與網路平台合作,建立球隊OTT服務。本研究運用運動媒體複合體的概念,探討在OTT服務時代下新媒體加入後,對該複合體中「運動-媒體-廣告」三角架構帶來何種變革,並分析運動組織及媒體如何看待在OTT服務時代下的中華職棒轉播權利市場,以及其因應策略。
    Along with the emergence of OTT service development in modern society, broadcasting rights market in Taiwanese professional baseball industry has changed radically. A broadcasting rights controversy occurred between Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) and international sports agency MP & Silva in 2014. This forced the baseball teams to seek for broadcasters by themselves. At the same time CPBL TV, the first formal OTT service in CPBL, was established, and thereby inspiring the teams to establish their own OTT service.
    This research employs the concept of Sports-Media Complex to analyze the impact of OTT service on Taiwanese professional broadcasting rights market. Methods include in-depth interviews and document analysis.
    Besides keeping partnership with cable television operators, teams also look for the suitable broadcast partners on the Internet platform. Broadcasting rights fees and the users are their concerns while signing contracts. Unlike cable television operators, OTT service providers are still unable to broadcast on scene..Therefore, OTT service providers can only make a difference by increasing the number of broadcast teams, enriching the content of self-made program and upgrading the platform`s additional functions.
    To sum up, the role of sports organizations and the media has changed in the structure of Sports-Media Complex. Sports organizations nowadays intend to build their own media channels and platforms, enhancing their ability of autonomy. OTT service providers increase the investment of sports content, and create a sports-based media platform. However, each team’s autonomy and negotiation chips are still limited by their media production abilities.
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