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    Title: 自然資源與傳染病:以蚊媒病毒為例
    Natural resources and contagious diseases: a case of mosquito-borne virus
    Authors: 魏丹
    Wei, Dan
    Contributors: 張文揚
    Chang, Wen Yang
    Wei, Dan
    Keywords: 自然資源
    Natural resources
    Contagious diseases
    Resource curse
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-11 12:19:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來大量學術研究已經證實,自然資源對於國家發展眾多層面具有負面影響。過去的大部分研究關注的重點集中於自然資源對於經濟發展、政治體制、制度質量、以及內戰方面,鮮少研究涉及到其對疾病傳播的影響。進入二十一世紀之後人類社會更頻繁地被大規模的傳染疾病困擾。那些自然資源相對豐裕的地區,也正是被傳染疾病頻繁影響並造成大規模傷害的地區。瘧疾就是其中一種分布最廣且對公共健康造成巨大威脅的傳染病。這篇文章旨在研究自然資源對於瘧疾傳播的影響。通過所有國家從2000至2014年時間序列橫截面數據分析,結果證實自然資源豐裕程度以及依賴程度都會導致更多的瘧疾發病數以及更高的死亡數。
    A lot of researchers have proved that natural resources have adverse effects on the development outcomes. Most of the past researches focus on the effects of natural resources on economic growth, political regime, institutional quality, and civil war. An interesting phenomenon is that countries with rich in natural resources are also those affected frequently by contagious diseases. Malaria is one of the widest spread diseases that poses a major threat to public health. This paper aims to analyze the effects of natural resource abundance and natural resource dependence on the spread of malaria. By using the time-series, cross-sectional data of all countries from 2000 to 2014, the result shows that there is a resource curse on the contagious diseases. Both natural resource abundance and natural resource dependence lead to more confirmed cases and deaths from malaria. The effects on the incidence rate and death rate need further analysis.
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