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    Title: 臺灣珊瑚礁保育策略研究
    Protecting the rainforests of the sea : a framework to manage the coral reefs of Taiwan
    Authors: 愛麗絲
    Manikowska, Aleksandra Monika
    Contributors: 卜道
    David Blundell
    Aleksandra Monika Manikowska
    Keywords: 臺灣
    Coral reefs
    Coastal management
    Indigenous communities
    Collaborative governance
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-11 12:14:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 珊瑚礁位處熱帶海洋的赤道附近。台灣島被北回歸線分為南與北,為理想的珊瑚礁棲息地。然而,台灣珊瑚礁的保育地位和現代威脅,特別缺乏國際出版的科學研究和數據;加上社會缺乏保護珊瑚礁和沿海資源的必要認識,讓「台灣是海鮮國家,而不是海洋國家」的錯誤認知持續阻礙了保育工作。因此,本文通過文獻回顧和訪問利益相關者,來理解包括政府機構,學者和在地社區成員間的珊瑚礁論述。結果發現,政府機構和在地社區之間的深度不信任使得海洋保護工作複雜化,加上滿足短期利益往往犧牲環境整體資源。然而,通過實施沿海綜合管理計劃(ICZMP)可能為解決方案,在所有利益攸關的共議合作中,確保保育海岸和健康珊瑚礁的諸多可持續利益。
    The majority of the coral reefs are located in the tropical oceans between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, with a particularly high concentration near the equator. The Tropic of Cancer runs through the center of Taiwan, dividing the island into tropical and subtropical climate zones in the South and North, respectively, and creating an ideal habitat for the coral reef ecosystem. Yet, there is an insufficient amount of scientific research and data regarding the status of and threats to Taiwan’s coral reefs, especially in English-language publications. There furthermore exists a lack of awareness of the need to protect the reefs and coastal resources, with the widespread mentality that ‘Taiwan is a seafood country, not an ocean country’ hindering conservation efforts. Strife at the political level, in part a result of Taiwan’s unique historical events, translate into legislative and economic priority given elsewhere.
    This paper thus aims to realign this information asymmetry through intensive literature reviews and interviews with key stakeholders, including governmental institutions, scholars, and members of indigenous communities. Results show that deep mistrust and miscommunication between governmental institutions and the indigenous communities complicate marine conservation efforts. Satisfying short-term dominant interests frequently comes at the expense of environmental progress, a phenomenon that does not seem to substantially change with the election cycles. Nevertheless, progress has been made through such measures as the implementation of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan. However, persistent issues such as improper enforcement of laws, prioritization of immediate economic gains over long-term ecological concerns, opposition from interest groups, and a lack of incentives and awareness at all levels to protect coastal regions continue to impede effective coral reef and coastal management. Overall, despite the monumental challenges set before marine conservation, the solution lies within a unified collaboration of all the stakeholders determined to protect and cultivate the many benefits of a sustainably managed coast and healthy coral reefs.
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