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    Title: 歐盟穩定暨成長公約的政治經濟學─以兩次改革為例
    The political economy of the stability and growth pact ─ the case of two refroms
    Authors: 陳盛彬
    Contributors: 姜家雄
    Keywords: 穩定暨成長公約
    Stability and growth pact
    Political and economic analysis
    Germany and France
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-11 12:11:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 《穩定暨成長公約》目的是防止歐元區成員國的財政赤字與政府債務嚴重影響歐元匯率的穩定,但是對財政赤字與政府債務的限制卻侵蝕國家的財政主權,因此從《穩定暨成長公約》規範的落實開始,到 2005 年、2011 年的兩次改革,皆不是單純的經濟議題。
    《穩定暨成長公約》所具有的政治與經濟特性也就成為所欲研究的主題,藉由 2005 年與 2011 年《穩定暨成長公約》的兩次改革案例,本文希望了解德、法的政治與經濟利益對歐盟與歐洲整合中所帶來的影響與改變,同時也對《穩定暨成長公約》在第二次改革後的後續發展進行分析。為了能夠完整分析德、法的政治與經濟利益對《穩定暨成長公約》及歐盟後續發展的影響程度,文中以三項研究子題架構全論文:第一,德、法政治與經濟利益對《穩定暨成長公約》的影響與重要性;第二,德、法對《穩定暨成長公約》的第一次與第二次改革立場;第三,《穩定暨成長公約》兩次改革對歐盟的影響。
    研究方法則是採取歷史分析與文獻回顧方式,並搭配「層次分析法」(Level of Analysis)從國內、國家與歐盟三層次切入,分別包括:第一,德國與法國國內政治和經濟利益對《穩定暨成長公約》兩次改革的影響;第二,德國、法國兩國政治與經濟利益對《穩定暨成長公約》的衝突與妥協;第三,德國與法國的政治、經濟利益與歐盟的衝突與影響。資料來源則主要包括以下七項:1.書籍 2.期刊 3.研討會與學會論文 4.研究報告 5.政府出版品 6.報章雜誌 7.網路資料。上述資料的討論時間範圍則是主要集中在 1999 年到 2015 年之間,以符合本文主題討論的內容架構。
    The main research topic of this dissertation is how Germany and France ‘s political and economic interests affect the two reforms of the Stability and Growth Pact, and the development of the European Union has been made under the influences of the Germany and France ‘s political and economic interests.
    In order to fully analyze the main research topic, the dissertation structured with three other sub-topics. First, how far Germany and France ‘s political and
    economic interests influence the Stability and Growth Pact. Second, what is the standpoint of Germany and France during the two reforms of the Stability and
    Growth Pact. Third, how much reforms of the Stability and Growth Pact influences the European Union.
    And with materials collected mainly from Books, Journals, Thesis, Research Reports, Government Publications, News Papers or Magazines and Internet resources, this paper handled original materials with Level of Analysis, including domestic level,
    state level and European level.
    From three Levels of Analysis, three other research
    sub-topics derived: First, the influence of Germany and France ‘s domestic economic and political interests on the two reforms of the Stability and Growth Pact. Second,
    the conflicts and compromises between Germany and France ‘s economic and political interests on the Stability and Growth Pact reforms. Third, the influence and
    of Germany and France ‘s economic and political interests of the European Union.
    Finally, four main points has been concluded: First, the influence of Germany and France ‘s economic and political interests has been a integral part of the Stability and Growth Pact. Second, different experiences between
    Germany and France on the economic “black swan” constitute their positions toward the reforms of the Stability and Growth Pact. Third, the influence of political issues in European integration will
    be more important to the future development of the Stability and Growth Pact.
    Fourth, a indispensible-condition for euro zone to achieve “Fiscal Union” depends on whether the “north-south” economic develops evenly.Union” depends on whether
    the “north-south” economic develops evenly.
    Reference: 壹、中文部分



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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1032530163
    Data Type: thesis
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