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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 會計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/110771
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    Title: 實體通路與虛擬通路下動態能力及智慧資本關係之個案研究
    The relation between dynamic capabilities and intellectual capital under physical channels and virtual channels: a case study
    Authors: 何怡陵
    He, Yi Ling
    Contributors: 王文英
    He, Yi Ling
    Keywords: 實體通路
    Physical channel
    Virtual channel
    Dynamic capabilities
    Intellectual capital
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-11 11:23:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於網際網路的蓬勃發展,電子商務的興起為消費者帶來新的消費模式。為了拓展客群,企業開始選擇同時發展其實體通路及虛擬通路。隨著知識時代的來臨,若要兼採實體及虛擬通路之優點,企業必須整合並辨識出重要智慧資本,發展出不同的企業動態能力以因應快速變動的商業環境及不同的顧客群。

    一、 個案公司實體通路之重要動態能力共有9項,且支持重要動態能力之智慧資本共有16項。
    二、 個案公司設有相對應之管理制度來蓄積實體通路下之重要智慧資本。
    三、 個案公司虛擬通路之重要動態能力共有11項,且支持重要動態能力之智慧資本共有30項。
    四、 個案公司設有相對應之管理制度來蓄積虛擬通路下之重要智慧資本。
    五、 個案公司實體通路及虛擬通路所重視之動態能力及支持動態能力之智慧資本有其相同與相異之處。
    With the rapid developing Internet environment in recent years, the rise of E-commerce has brought a new consumption model to the consumers. In order to expand the customer base, companies begin to develop their physical channels and virtual channels simultaneously. With the advent of knowledge-based era, in order to take the advantage of both physical and virtual channels, companies have to integrate and identify the important intellectual capitals, and develop different dynamic capabilities to cope with the dramatically-changing business environment and different customer base.
    This research adopts the case study method and selects a renowned raw materials company in the chemical industry in Taiwan as study subject. The purpose of this research is to study the importance of dynamic capabilities of the company, the importance of intellectual capitals and relevant management system under physical and virtual channels. The conclusions are as follows:

    1. Under the case company’s physical channel, there are 9 important dynamic capabilities, and 16 intellectual capitals that support important dynamic capabilities.
    2. The case company has a corresponding management system to accumulate important intellectual capitals under physical channels.
    3. Under the case company’s virtual channel, there are 11 important dynamic capabilities, and 30 intellectual capitals that support important dynamic capabilities.
    4. The case company has a corresponding management system to accumulate important intellectual capitals under virtual channels.
    5. There are similarities and differences in important dynamic capabilities and intellectual capitals that can support dynamic capabilities between physical and virtual channels.
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