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    Title: 訂房網站行銷策略與顧客忠誠度之研究
    Marketing strategy of online travel agencies and customer loyalty
    Authors: 楊宇平
    Contributors: 陳建維
    Keywords: 訂房網站
    Online travel agency
    Price promotion
    Perceived risk
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-11 11:23:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來國人旅遊風氣盛行,旅遊產業規模日益增大也帶動了住宿業的商機。根據中華民國交通部觀光局的統計,2015年國人國內平均旅遊次數為8.5次,國外旅遊平均為0.56次。與2014年相比,國內旅遊總旅次成長了14.25%,國外總旅次則成長11.3%;旅遊總費用亦有可觀的成長,其中住宿又是主要的支出項目,約占旅遊總支出的33%。隨著網際網路的發達,消費者對旅遊規劃的自主性提高,帶動自由行的風潮,也讓訂房網站得以快速擴張。然而訂房網站面對的是一群價格敏感度較高的消費者,同時產業內多元的競爭者也讓網站業者面臨更激烈的價格競爭,大多以強調低價為主要的行銷手段。本研究欲探討訂房網站行銷4P策略,特別是價格策略,對顧客滿意度與忠誠度之影響,以及影響訂房網站滿意度之消費者心理因素。


    The expansion of tourism industry has thrived the online accommodation reservation market. The increased popularity of Internet has lowered the cost of information search and inspired people to become more willing to arrange their tours online. Consumers who reserve accommodation online are considered more price sensitive than those who do so through the offline channel. In order to attract consumers, online travel agencies (OTA) use different marketing tools, and put special emphasis on providing price incentives such as EDLP strategy or temporary price discount. In this study, we investigate how OTAs’ marketing strategies (including product attributes, price strategy, website quality, promtions and brand image) influence customer satisfaction and loyalty. Also, we will find out whether consumers’ perceived risk will influence the effectiveness of OTAs’ pricing strategy.

    A total number of 295 samples were obtained through Internet questionnaire conducted by the study. It was found that
    1. EDLP has significantly positive effect on satisfaction while temporary price promotion doesn’t. However, both pricing strategies aren’t able to achieve complete customer loyalty, which is comprised of behavioral and attitual dimension.
    2. The loyalty program of OTA has significantly negative effect on satisfaction.
    3. Enhancing website quality, conducting relationship marketing and creating experiential brand image have significantly positive effect on both satisfaction and loyalty.
    4. Consumers’ perceived risk will pose different effect on EDLP and temporary price promotion.
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