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Title: | 教師生涯使命感內涵及發展歷程 A study of the meaning and development of teachers’ career calling |
Authors: | 陳立強 Chen, Li Chiang |
Contributors: | 王秀槐 修慧蘭 陳立強 Chen, Li Chiang |
Keywords: | 生涯召喚 生涯使命感 中小學教師 紮根理論 Career calling Elementary and high school teachers Grounded theory |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-07-03 14:47:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要探究教師生涯使命感內涵及其發展歷程。研究者以立意抽樣的方式,以6位近五年獲得SUPER教師獎,且教學年資達10年以上的中小學教師為研究對象,以紮根研究的分析方法,探討研究對象的生涯發展歷程中,如何形成教師使命感,並從經驗中歸納出教師使命感內涵。 研究結果發現教師生涯使命感為一動態發展的歷程,教師藉由自我學習與成長經驗,進而看見教學現場及教育環境的困境,在困境中看見對學生、家長、教師或整體社會帶來的影響與限制,透過自我反思辯證後,形成教師生涯使命感中的認知、情意、行動的其中一環,從其中展現韌力及經驗到意義感,進而促發新的循環。 教師生涯使命感內涵分為三部分:(1)認知層面使命感內涵─教育理念與哲學觀;(2)情意層面使命感內涵─教師對其工作有高度的熱忱,結合個人興趣並持續投入與奉獻;(3)行動層面使命感內涵─教師以行動回應教育困境,展現在教學、與學生互動及團隊合作中。 根據研究結果本研究將教師生涯使命感定義為教師依其教育理念與哲學觀,為回應其所經驗之教育困境而持續付諸行動、投入教育,及奉獻心力,並從工作中經驗到任教的意義感。最後,研究者依據研究之過程與結果進行討論,並提出研究限制與相關建議。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the meaning and the development of teacher career calling. Purposive sampling was used to select six participants who have at least ten years teaching experiences and have won the SUPER TEACHER AWARD in recent five years for in-depth interviews. Qualitative and grounded theory methods were applied for data analysis to integrate the participants’ shared experiences. The results showed that the development of teacher career calling is a dynamic process. Such development is based on the teachers’ learning and life experiences and their perceptions on classroom conditions and the educational system. The apprehensions from students, parents, peers, and the general public on the challenges within the classroom and in the educational system significantly contributes to the development. It is through such self-reflection and the desire to make improvement that the calling of a teacher is cultivated. The development of the teachers’ career calling revolves around three main dimensions: (1) cognitive dimension—constructing core educational beliefs and philosophy; (2) affective dimension—integrating interests, dedications and passion for teaching; (3) action dimension— making efforts to overcome challenges through teaching, interactions with students and collaboration with other teachers. In summary, this study has defined and described the meaning and the process of teacher career calling. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings were further discussed. |
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