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    Title: 中俄核能合作之研究(1992—2016)
    A study on Sino-Russian nuclear energy cooperation, 1992—2016
    Authors: 白煜
    Contributors: 林永芳
    Keywords: 中國
    Sino-Russian relations
    Nuclear energy
    Neo-liberal institutionalism
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-06-01 09:55:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中俄核能合作是從 1992 年開始的,到 2016 年經歷了短短 24 年
    中俄核能合作經歷了田灣核電站、鈾同位素分離技術、 「 快爐 」 、海上
    俄核能合作前景廣闊,尤其是在 「 快爐 」 與海上浮動爐方面。中俄可
    以依託 「 一帶一路 」 在第三國進行核能合作。
    Since 1992,the Sino-Russian cooperation in nuclear energy has gone through 24
    years,up to 2016,and is one of the key parts of the energy cooperation fellowship
    under the China-Russia Strategic Partnership.This research discusses the use of
    nuclear energy primarily for civil purposes,without the involvement of nuclear
    weapons. The research uses the neo-liberal institutionalism,the historical study
    method,the literature analysis method and sorts out the entire courses of the
    Sino-Russian cooperation in nuclear energy according to the order of historic
    development and the corresponding literature. Eventually,insight is provided about
    the nuclear energy cooperation between China and Russia.
    The Sino-Russian cooperation in nuclear energy was started due to the shared
    political and economic interests of both countries. The nuclear energy cooperation
    between China and Russia has completed the building of the Tianwan Nuclear Power
    Plant,Separation of Uranium Isotope,the China Expermental Fast Reactor(CEFR)
    and the Floating Nuclear Power Plant. Among these projects,the institutional
    arrangement is indispensable. Cooperation in nuclear energy is guaranteed by the
    Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the regular exchange visits between the
    Chinese premiere and the Russian prime minister. China’s Atomic Energy Agency,the
    Nuclear Security Bureau and Russia’s Bureau of Environment Technology and Nuclear
    Supervision are all actuators. Russia Atomic Energy Co.,Ltd. is a company with a
    special status. It has a nuclear energy-based cooperation with the China National
    Nuclear Corporation as well as many other scientific research institutes. The
    Fukushima nuclear accident had a huge impact on China and Russia’s nuclear
    industry.The Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant and the Separation of Uranium Isotope
    have achieved excellent effectiveness in the nuclear safety supervision aspect. China
    and Russia have a brilliant prospect of cooperation in nuclear energy,particularly
    with the fast neutron reactor and the floating nuclear power plant. China and Russia
    can count on the“one Belt one Road”Initiative to carry out the cooperation in
    nuclear energy in a third nation.
    Keywords: China; Russia; Sino-Russian Relations; Nuclear Energy; Neo-liberal Institutionalism
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