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Title: | 政府資料開放關鍵成功因素架構之建構- 以新北市政府資料開放成效為例 Constructing critical success factors framework for open government data- a case study of open government data implementation in New Taipei City |
Authors: | 賴盈霖 Lai, Ying-Lin |
Contributors: | 朱斌妤 Chu, Pin-Yu 賴盈霖 Lai, Ying-Lin |
Keywords: | 數位治理 開放政府 政府資料開放 關鍵成功因素 E-governance Open government Open government data Critical success factors |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-06-01 09:53:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 政府資料開放(Open Government Data, OGD)已成為全球電子治理趨勢之一,其帶來開放透明、參與和創新的潛在價值。資料開放幾乎己經是一種不可抵抗的趨勢,資料開放行動不應僅有中央視角,更應緊密聯結於城市規劃,以用於解決城市問題。地方政府推動資料開放政策仍面臨眾多挑戰,採取的行動策略會影響政策推展。為了順利推動並減少阻礙,找出影響地方政府在推動資料開放的關鍵成功因素,是目前地方政府首要思考的課題。 是以本研究旨在瞭解政府資料開放政策之成功因素,建構地方政府資料開放之關鍵成功因素架構雛型。新北市由於其在系統整合的經驗以及資料釋出態度的轉變,故本研究以新北市作為個案,以實務觀點與經驗更為適切地提出政府資料開放之關鍵成功因素架構。藉由文獻回顧國內外影響政府資料開放的因素,建立政府資料開放關鍵成功因素的初步架構,並以深度訪談方式瞭解新北市政府資料開放政策脈絡,蒐集受訪者對於政府資料開放關鍵成功因素之建議,以此為基礎進行架構的修正。最終本研究提出以政策環境基礎作為支持的政府資料開放循環流程,該流程包括資料開放計畫、資料開放準備、資料開放、資料使用、回饋與檢討等5個階段。針對政府資料開放循環流程中不同階段的目標,每階段下有各自相對應的關鍵因素,共計28項因素的政府資料開放關鍵成功因素架構,並針對各項關鍵因素提出之說明與建議,提供地方政府推動資料開放政策之參考。 基於前述研究過程與訪談結果,本研究發現新北市政府推動仍面臨許多挑戰,影響資料開放所帶來的成效不清。這些挑戰來自於政策路徑與規劃、組織管理以及民間溝通與聯結面向,彼此間相互有所關聯,也反映出所需強化之關鍵成功因素。本研究也從新北市推動經驗,提出對地方政府強化資料開放政策之建議,並給予後續研究發展的相關建議。 Open Government Data (OGD) has become one of the main tendencies for E-governance in the world. OGD offers tremendous potential value for transparency, participation and innovation. Open data has almost become an inexorable trend. In addition, Open data initiatives are not only for central government but also local government, and it should be closely linked with city planning and used to solve city issues. However, local government faces many challenges in open data initiatives. Due to the influence on policy implementation from adopting strategies, it is important for local government to find out Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for open data initiatives in order to promote open data initiatives and remove barriers. This article presents a case study of the open data initiatives in the New Taipei City area, where the government has experience with system integration and the rapid release of open data. The main purpose of the research is to explore the phenomenon of empowering through open data at the local level and propose a holistic framework of CSFs for open data which assist the local government identifies the key issues. By reviewing related literatures and conducting interviews, the study proposed a framework of CSFs for open data with five stages (in terms of planning, readiness, disclosure, use and feedback) and resulted in a list of 28 success factors. The ranking of the success factors is taken into account by the order in which they are presented, mapped onto the Open Data Process. Also, the list of success factors might be helpful for local government to have an indication of what they should focus on. Based on the interviews, there are still some barriers need to be overcome and the results of open data remain unclear in New Taipei City. These challenges come from three major facets: policy roadmap, organizational management and civic communication. Besides, these challenges correlate with each other, and they also reflect on the necessity of strengthen CSFs by local government. Based on the experiences from New Taipei City, the final section of the study provides ways of advancing the open data initiatives with recommendations and researcher reflexivity. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政學系 103256017 |
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