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    Title: 探討世代群建構大稻埕作為創意街廓之平台機制
    Exploring the platform mechanism of sedai group to develop Dadaocheng into a creative city
    Authors: 吳宛倩
    Wu, Wan-Chien
    Contributors: 溫肇東
    Wen, Zhao-Dong
    Wu, Wan-Chien
    Keywords: 世代群
    Sedai group
    Creative city
    Platform mechanism
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-05-01 11:27:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 1980年後工業時代,全球經濟轉向以服務和商業經濟為主,全球化影響在地經濟,傳統產業式微,迫使傳統城市面對空間重組之議題,並且回應市民的新需求。大稻埕曾是人文薈萃的寶地,更是台灣的的經濟中心,如今卻面臨相同的問題。此時,世界各地颳起文化創意產業的風潮,英國的成功經驗,讓文創產業成為各國眼中振興經濟的一帖良藥。台灣亦陸續出現相關政策,從社區總體營造到都市再生前進基地計劃,到後來出現民間單位世代群。世代群提出創業育成、街區營造、文化運動三大目標,用不同角度提供一個重塑都市形象的解答。


    In the 1980s, known as post-industrial society, service industry and the commercial economy started to dominate the global economy. Globalization affected the local economy which leads to a decline of traditional industries, and the issue of space reorganization was raised in the traditional cities, and responded to the new demands of the residents. Dadaocheng used to be the cultural and economic center of Taiwan, but nowadays it stuck in the same transformation issue.

    In the same time, cultural and creative Industry was booming around the world, and the UK successful experience made the cultural and creative Industry become the solution to stimulating the economy in every country. Relevant policies were made in Taiwan as well, such as Integrated Community Development, Urban Regeneration Station, and Sedai Group-a private sector later appeared. Sedai Group proposed three objectives, including creativity cultivation, community development, and cultural movement to provide a solution to reshaping the image of a city from a different perspective.

    Landry proposed the concept of Creative Platform from the perspective of urban planning. He argued that the Creative Platform reorganized the creative energy scattered in the city and led the city transformation. This study takes the Platform Mechanism design method proposed by Chen and Yu as the theoretical basis, and check out did Sedai Group achieved the seven elements of Creative City which proposed by Landry. This study tries to answer the following three questions with the research findings: (1) How does the Platform Mechanism of Creative Platforms promoted by Sedai Group operate? (2) What are the internal operating elements Sedai Group possess to become a Creative Platform? (3) How does the relationships of Sedai Group with other sectors urge Dadaocheng to become a creative city?

    The preliminary conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) Sedai Group uses the strict identity authentication mechanism to control the quality of the platform, offers the preferential subsidy policy to attract the subsidy side to join the group, and establishes the sense of belonging to increase the user’s stickiness. (2) Multiple creative talents and the medium-to-high-altitude empowered organizational culture to allow the organization and the city sustain their creativity. (3) Richly cultivate the city and cooperate with other organizations to nurture local identity domestically, and organize international festivals to establish the internal and external identity.
    Reference: 壹、 英文文獻

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