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    Title: 動勢場之身體意象預防方案:以女大學生為例
    Dongshi field based body image prevention program for college women
    Authors: 馬心怡
    Ma, Hsin Yi
    Contributors: 姜忠信

    Chiang, Chun Hsin
    Lee, Tsung Chin

    Ma, Hsin Yi
    Keywords: 身體意象
    Body image
    Positive body image
    Prevention program
    Dance/movement therapy
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-05-01 11:25:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究背景:身體意象困擾為現代女性自我發展之重要議題之一,且為飲食疾患之危險因子,身體意象預防方案因而受到重視,過去方案多注重負向之影響因素。近年來,「正向身體意象」概念發展並重視個體對自己身體的正向感受以及身心調和,但仍欠缺實踐之方法。本研究旨在以動勢場概念發展身體意象預防性介入方案,探討此預防方案提升女大學生對自我身體欣賞、覺察程度,及降低負向身體意象之效果。因研究工具受到中文化限制,本研究之研究一將針對身體意象問卷進行中文化以及信效度檢驗,研究二探討介入方案之療效。
    研究方法:研究一採用問卷法,中文化問卷後針對201名女性大學生進行資料搜集,在問卷之信效度檢驗上,採用內部一致性信度、建構效度以及效標關聯效度進行檢驗。研究二招募三組受試者,依次是實驗組(N = 14)、體育課組(N = 15)以及控制組(N = 20),共有49名某國立大學女性大學生參與本研究。實驗組受試者接受每週1次,每次1.5小時,共計8次之團體介入。三組皆採用自陳氏問卷,於介入前、介入後以及三個月追蹤之三個時間點進行資料搜集。
    Background: Body image concern is one of the important issues of modern women`s self-development, and also the risk factors for eating disorders. Thus body image prevention program has been taken seriously, which, in the past the programs were more emphasized on negative factors. In recent years, the concept of "positive body image" has been developing and emphasizing on one`s own positive feelings about individual`s body and body-mind attunement, but still lacking of practical and well organized method to put into practice. This study aims to develop a body image prevention program based on the concept of Dongshi, to explore the effectiveness of the improvement of body appreciation and body responsiveness, also the effectiveness to decrease the impact of negative body image. Due to the limitations of the Chinese version research tools, Study 1 of this study will focus on examing the reliability and validity of the Chinese version’s body image questionnaires. Study 2 will explore the effectiveness of the prevention program.
    Methods: In Study 1, the questionnaires were used to study the data of 201 female college students. On the reliability and the validity of the questionnaires, the internal consistency reliability and construct validity were tested. In Study 2, three groups were recruited as the intervention group (N = 14), the physical education class group (N = 15) and the control group (N = 20), a total of 49 female college students from a national university participated in the study as samples. The intervention group received a weekly intervention, 1.5 hour each time, a total of 8 sessions in group involved. All three groups were collected from the self-reported questionnaire, and data collection from three periods: before the intervention, after the intervention and 3 months follow-up.
    Result: It is found that the Chinese edition questionnaires in this study are sufficiently reliable and can be used as a measurement tool. The results of the intervention showed that in comparing with the physical education group and the control group, the intervention group had significant effect on the post-test and the three-month follow-up in the body awareness.
    Conclusion: This study attempts to develop a body image prevention program based on dance therapy. The results can effectively improve the individual`s body awareness, but the content of the program still has room for improvement. Finally, the limitations of this study and future directions for research are proposed.
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