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    Title: 華語學習者對聲旁表音一致性的認知處理: 漢字聽讀的眼動研究
    Cognitive processing of phonetic consistency by second language learners of Chinese: an eye-tracking study of listening and reading Chinese character
    Authors: 黃懷萱
    Huang, Huai Shiuan
    Contributors: 蔡介立
    Tsai, Jie Li
    Huang, Huai Shiuan
    Keywords: 對外漢字教學
    Chinese characters learning
    Phonetic consistency
    CFL learners
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-05-01 11:24:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 漢字對於拼音語言背景的華語學習者而言,一直是較難掌握的內容,他們在初學華語的階段,很快就需要記認與書寫與母語文字系統差異極大的漢字,所以經常遇到困難。正由於缺乏相關背景知識,華語學習者的漢字識別和心理認知歷程必然與母語者有所差異。然而語言離不開書寫與閱讀,若要增進中文能力,就必須提升本身的字彙量。漢字總數以形聲字數量最多,形聲字主要可以拆解為聲旁及義旁兩個部分,功能上多以表音及表義區分。關於母語學童的識字研究,常以「聲旁一致性」作為討論主題,透過唸名作業探討學童的識字過程,學者發現這種中文的形音對應關係是隨著學習歷程發展出來的,年級越高的學童,越能看到顯著效果,與識字量和閱讀能力的關聯密不可分。至於成人華語學習者,是否也能在學習經驗中累積出這種形音一致性的對應概念,是以往較少細究的內容。本論文關注此一議題,進行記錄眼動的心理學實驗,探討形音一致性高低對不同程度華語學習者在辨識單字的處理效率和其背後的認知意義。
    Learning to read and write Chinese characters is hard for CFL (Chinese as a foreign language) students, especially for those whose native languages are alphabetic languages, would face to a totally different writing system-“Hanzi” at the beginning stage of learning; therefore, it would be a real challenge because of the complexity. Due to lack of background knowledge, CFL students may have a different cognitive process from Chinese native speakers. Nevertheless, to improve language skills and abilities, it is necessary to raise the amount of their Chinese lexicon. Phonetic compounds comprise most of the Chinese characters and can be divided into two parts-a phonetic radical and a semantic radical, which denote the character’s possible pronunciation and meaning. Researchers have found that “phonetic consistency” affects the latency of naming from Chinese native speakers. For elementary school children, the higher grade they are in, the consistency effect is more significant, which related to their learning process of word-recognition. As for CFL learners, we know few from them. The present study focuses on the topic of phonetic consistency, manipulating the eye-tracking methods to investigate the processing efficiency and cognitive meanings from CFL learners of two different levels.
    The study utilized visual world paradigm of eye tracking methods through a reading and listening task. Subjects would hear a sentence and would be asked to choose the target character from the four on the screen. Fixation proportions of target and unrelated characters were counted in each time bin. The experiment manipulated phonetic consistency value and two groups of subjects participated in this research: the high level group (12 people) and the low level group (10 people), whose native languages were all alphabetic languages. Except for the listening and reading task, we used questionnaires, character recognition test and reading comprehension test to judge subjects’ Chinese reading ability.
    Results showed that Chinese ability and phonetic consistency affected fixation proportions. For the high level group, the proportion of target was higher in high consistency condition than the low consistency condition after the target onset. Significant consistency effect was found between 300 milliseconds and 500 milliseconds as expectation. For the low level group, there were opposite results compared with high level group and tended to show “phonetic combinability effect” between 300 milliseconds and 500 milliseconds. Subjects had more fixations on those characters with the amount of the same phonetic radicals. It seemed that the visual information attracted more than sound information.
    These results implicated that CFL students with alphabetic language background have accumulated the phonetic consistency concepts of Chinese phonograms after years of learning; in other words, the phonetic information of Chinese characters also involved in the word-recognition processing for CFL students. At the end, we provided some advices for teaching Chinese as a foreign language based on the present findings.
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