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Title: | 媒體在公衆外交的貢獻 及國家新聞網對現代國際關係的影響 – 以CNN和Russia Today為例 The role of media in public diplomacy and the impact of national news networks on contemporary international relations – the case of CNN and Russia today |
Authors: | 徐郁苓 Krupinova, Inga |
Contributors: | 連弘宜 Lien, Hong-Yi 徐郁苓 Inga Krupinova |
Keywords: | 公眾外交 電視外交 媒體 國家新聞網 CNN RT Public diplomacy Telediplomacy Mass media National news networks CNN RT |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-04-05 15:40:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 如今,全球化進程和大規模跨界過程對全球轉變具有很大的影響,在這個情況下信息和通信技術對國外社會的影響發揮關鍵的作用。目前國際關係專家指出兩種這樣的影響。第一個影響官方結構,即外交官和政治家,第二個影響公共組織,商業結構和不同國家的人口。最後一個是稱之為 “公眾外交”,這有助於使用媒體機制公開對特定國家活動的國外意見。與印刷媒體平行,可以強調,現在的電視媒體對國外意見和國際進程的動態有很大的影響。為了提高電視媒體的獨特特徵,媒體分析家提出了“電視外交”的概念來解釋國家領導人和外交官決定把全球電視廣播當成政治平台。
目前大眾媒體討論的主要議題是國際恐怖主義、國內及國際戰爭、非法毒品和人口販運、新疾病的出現和擴散、氣候變化和其他問題。不同的國家使用自己的方法來研究這些問題,並導致一般公眾對當今發生的事情看法有所不同。這表示每個國家傳導訊息的方法有所不同,這些方法與各國家的外交政策直接相關。因此,本論文專注於國家新聞網對當代國際關係的影響,特別側重於CNN和RT及其對美國和俄羅斯聯邦發展外交政策戰略的影響。 Nowadays there are transformations affected by the globalization processes and large-scale cross-border activities, where information and communication technologies have started to play a crucial role in terms of influencing foreign societies. Up to date international relations specialists emphasize two levels of such impact. The first one influences on the official structures, namely diplomats and politicians, while the second one has an impact on public organizations, business structures and population of different countries. The last one we are used to calling "Public Diplomacy", which help to form foreign opinions about the activities of a particular country, using media mechanisms. Drawing a parallel with printed media, one can stress that nowadays television media has a great impact on foreign opinion and the dynamics of international processes. In order to outline TV-media distinctive features, media analysts presented the concept "telediplomacy", where state leaders and diplomats have started to use the global television broadcast as a platform for the proclamation of their political decisions.
The main topics mass media discusses today are all about the international terrorism, local and international wars, illegal drug and human trafficking, emergence and spread of new diseases, climate change and other issues. Different countries use their own approaches to examine these problems, which lead to completely different interpretation of general public on what is happening nowadays. It means that in each country there are different methods of supplying information materials, which are directly related to the foreign policy of any country. Therefore, this study is focused on the impact of national information networks on contemporary international relations, and particularly focused on CNN and Russia Today and their influence on the development of foreign policy strategies in the United States and the Russian Federation. |
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