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    政大機構典藏 > 傳播學院 > 廣告學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/108110
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    Title: 品牌來源國與卡通代言人一致性對不同 涉入度產品之品牌態度研究
    The influence of consistency between country-of-brand and country-of-spokes-character on brand attitude
    Authors: 蔡鎧旭
    Tsai, Kai Hsu
    Contributors: 賴建都
    Lai, Chien Tu
    Tsai, Kai Hsu
    Keywords: 品牌來源國
    Production involvement
    Brand attitude
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2017-04-05 15:34:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著全球化的來臨,許多品牌選擇國外卡通代言人進行合作,或發行許多聯名商品,兩者來源國與一致性可能關係著品牌態度,但過去文獻對此鮮少進行探討。本研究探討消費者對於品牌來源國與來源國的一致性,於不同產品涉入度作為干擾變項時,對品牌態度的影響。透過品牌信念、品牌評價及購買意願作為衡量品牌態度的構面,探究不同國家品牌如何應用適合的卡通代言人,以及外國元素在推廣活動中的效果,
    In recent years, enterprises launch marketing events with foreign spokes-character. The consistency on country-of-brand and country-of-spokes- character would influences brand attitude. However, previous literature rarely discusses the concept of country-of-spokes-character and the joint effects of country-of-brand and country-of- spokes-character. This aim of the study is to explore the influence of consistency between country-of-brand and country-of-spokes- character on the brand attitude, using production involvement as the moderating variables.
    An experiment design was conducted to investigates how country-of-brand (Taiwan vs. Japan), country-of-spokes-character (Taiwan vs. Japan), and the consistency between them (consistent or inconsistent) to influence the brand attitude, and how production involvement moderates brand attitude.
    Results of our experiment reveal that the country-of-brand and country-of- spokes-character would influence brand attitude significantly, and the influence of consistency would influence brand attitude. Moreover, high involvement products would moderate the effect significantly. According to these results, the strategy of country-of-brand and choice of spokes-character are discussed.
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