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    Title: 互動玩具系統開發與互動行為探討
    System development of interactive toy and study on behavior
    Authors: 孟憲奇
    Meng, Shian Chi
    Contributors: 陳聖智

    Chen, Sheng Chih
    Li, Tsai Yen

    Meng, Shian Chi
    Keywords: 互動玩具
    Interactive toy
    Human-Computer Interaction(HCI)
    Digital content
    English learning
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-03-02 11:50:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究設計了一個結合遊戲性及新型互動體驗的英語學習輔助玩具,目的是將英語學習帶入學齡前兒童的戲水情境之中,兒童可透過與玩具遊戲的過程,達到英語學習歷程的催化。本研究開發之數位互動玩具,可藉由手與尾巴做出不同組合的動作,以及眼睛可以投射出燈光圖案表達不同情緒。並透過語音播放出故事中的單字與句子,再藉由以上的功能會組成不同的回饋。小朋友能用摸與說話的方式,在與玩具之間的遊戲過程中,達到產生興趣的效果。
    1. 互動學習體驗:將科技結合一般戲水玩具,透過觸摸及語音的互動方式產生動作、燈光圖案、聲音等回饋,從戲水互動過程中給予兒童新的互動學習體驗。
    2. 學習與探索的動機:本研究依據Skinner的操作制約概念制定互動流程,玩具經實驗發現透過觸摸及口說的互動,產生了多元回饋刺激,包含故事內容及卡牌的配合,讓小朋友在遊戲過程中能自行探索內容並在過程中學習。
    3. 使用者經驗與使用性分析:從使用性五項指標分析情緒起伏歷程紀錄及分析使用者經驗,發現玩具容易讓小朋友操作且記憶玩具提供之內容,整體使用性是高的。但相較於觸摸的互動方式,說話的互動方式會讓小朋友在操作上使用性較低。
    This study designed an English learning toy that combined the game and a new interactive experience. This aim is to integrate English learning into the context of preschoolers playing in water and use the interaction with the toy to promote the English learning process.

    In this study, the digital interactive toy we made that can make different combinations of action by using its hands and tail, project out the lighting patterns to express various emotions by its eyes, and play out the words and sentences of the story by the voice player. According to the above functions, the toy forms different ways of feedback. It is effective that children can develop an interest in the toy by the ways of touching and saying in the process of game playing.

    At present, this study explored the analysis of user experience, if we want to analysis the children`s formal learning process, we must first understand the child`s motivation and feedback after use, so that it can be a foundation of the learning process in the future. Thus, the study is based on the theory of cognitive psychologists that discussed the course of early childhood learning. In order to know how to design a suitable toy for preschoolers, this study built the prototype of the interactive toy through presenting the design principles and user experience and usability. The subjects were 8 preschoolers (3-5 years of age) enrolled in the study (7 subjects in the first stage and 1 subject in the third stage). Researcher recorded the experimental procedure by the way of observing, inquired the research subjects to get their feedback by opened questions, and then digested and analyzed to the conclusion. Summary, the results of this research are in the following:

    (1) Interactive learning experience: The combination of technology and the general water-playing toys. The digital interactive toy let preschoolers get a new interactive learning experience through the way of touching and speaking to emerge action, light patterns, sound and other feedback.

    (2) Learning motivation and exploration: Based on Skinner`s operational control concept, the research has found that the toy stimulates a variety of feedback through touching and speaking of the interaction, including the story content and cards. The preschoolers in the course of the game can explore the content by themselves and learning during the process.

    (3) User experience and usability analysis: According to the use of five indicators to analyze the course of emotional change and user experience, the research has found that the toys easily to be operated by children and made them keep memory of the contents the toy provided. The overall use is high, however, compared to the interactive way of touching, the way of speaking is lower in the children’s operation.

    (4) Interactive toy design: The toy is based on UCD design thinking to construct interactive toy exterior design, human-computer interaction and content design. The main carrier is Arduino to build out the modular design.
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