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    Title: 中國大陸對東協政策的變遷: 2002-2012
    Transformation of China`s ASEAN policy : 2002-2012
    Authors: 倪德盛
    Anderson, Nicholas
    Contributors: 李明
    Li, Ming
    Anderson, Nicholas
    Keywords: 中國-東協關係
    China-ASEAN relations
    China-ASEAN political cooperation
    China-ASEAN security cooperation
    China-ASEAN economic cooperation
    China-ASEAN connectivity cooperation
    China-Vietnam relations
    China-Philippines relations
    South China Sea disputes
    China-U.S. relations
    China-Japan relations
    China-India relations
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2017-03-01 17:33:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 摘要


    China-ASEAN relations have been transformed over the last decade by Beijing’s aim to create a stable neighboring environment as outlined in its state policy of peaceful development. This relationship has been embodied in a series of joint plans and statements with ASEAN between 1997 and 2012. In the three areas of politics and security, economy, and connectivity and infrastructure, the paper will show the relationship has followed a similar pattern, that is cooperation has been deepened according to China’s aims for its relationship with Southeast Asia. While relations have continued to develop in these areas, constant focus on the issues of assertiveness and territorial disputes, particularly over the last 3 years, means that progress and development in the relationship often receives little attention. The South China Sea is a complex issue, however security-related dialogue between China and ASEAN member states will be shown to have mitigated this problem to a certain extent. The paper will show that the challenges to Beijing’s policy lies with countries from outside the sub-region and their return, or growing role in Southeast Asian affairs, and that in fact during the period when China has been labeled more ‘assertive’ its relationship with ASEAN has deepened and developed as planned. In its use of materials the paper will employ the qualitative research method of document analysis.
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