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    Title: 析論歐盟多層次治理中的境外治理—以歐盟地中海政策為例
    EU multi-level governance in external governance: the case of EU mediterranean policies
    Authors: 柯俊廷
    Ke, Jiun-Ting
    Contributors: 甘逸驊
    Kan, Yi-Hua
    Ke, Jiun-Ting
    Keywords: 多層次治理
    Multilevel governance
    External governance
    EU mediterranean policy
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-03-01 17:32:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   歐盟多層次治理由超國家歐盟機構、國家、跨國家網絡與次國家代表團體串聯而成,此四層次行為者緊密相關並互動產出歐盟政策。此模式進而延伸至歐盟境外治理,使得管制(regulation)增加,區域無政府狀態也漸趨向制度化(institutionalized)。三大同步進展的推動力導致歐盟多層次治理。其一,歐盟公民共享世界觀形塑出歐盟內部一致性;其二,歐盟中央化(centralize)成員國不能或不願治理之議題領域;其三,歐盟分裂化(fragmentate)其治理權威予跨國家網絡與次國家代表團體。歐盟境外治理以其周邊為主,其面向潛在會員國的擴大政策(enlargement policy)將區域和平共榮區大幅擴張,為國際關係史上的巨大成就。同時,歐盟對於非潛在會員國的境外治理行為模式漸受關注。此即會籍條件性(membership conditionality)與政策條件性(policy conditionality)的比較。

    EU multilevel governance consists of supranational institutions, nation states, transnational advocacy networks and subnational representative bodies. The interplay of these four levels contributes to EU policies, and even EU external governance, which mainly focuses on its neighborhood. EU enlargement policy toward potential member states successfully expands EU area of peace and prosperity. Meanwhile, EU external governance in non-potential member states become systematic and obvious. EU Mediterranean policy is a case of EU external governance in non-potential member states. Compared to the development of regionalism in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) or Africa, regionalism across Mediterranean Sea is much stronger and thus worth more researches. EU promotes its Mediterranean policy in a way of multilevel governance as well, especially after Arab uprising in 2011 as EU starts to cooperate more with legislatures and non-governmental organizations in Mediterranean regions instead of depending on governments there.

    This thesis examines the networks of EU Mediterranean policy and figures out that they are different from diplomatic policies of sovereign states. First, they involve less sovereignty issues since transnational and subnational level effectively avoid post-colonial disputes and intervention concerns. Second, they are highly accessible because of their strong connections with civil society, enterprises and local representative bodies in the Mediterranean region. Third, they uphold principle of co-ownership and political pluralism and participants are thus more willing to join the policy networks.
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