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Title: | 後冷戰時期美國與巴西關係的演變與發展: 從區域整合的角度分析 The change and development of US-Brazil relations in the post-Cold War era: the perspective of regional integration |
Authors: | 林千郁 Lin, Chien Yu |
Contributors: | 鄧中堅 Teng, Chung Chian 林千郁 Lin, Chien Yu |
Keywords: | 美洲自由貿易區 南美共同市場 北美自由貿易區 區域整合 新自由主義 拉美區域主義 美洲區域主義 Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) MERCOSUR NAFTA regional integration neoliberalism Latin American regionalism American regionalism |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-03-01 17:31:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 蔚為金磚四國的巴西屬拉丁美洲國家中發展最快速的國家,其近年來的崛起也使其在南美洲及拉丁美洲的重要性越形顯著。而美國自門羅主義以來在拉美保持主導地位的一貫歷史脈絡也使美國更重視巴西的崛起及與巴西之間雙邊關係,故美巴關係之研究甚多,而本論文以美巴雙邊關係以及其在區域整合的互動作為主要研究標的,且本論文認為兩國的雙邊關係是屬於既衝突又合作的亦敵亦友關係,意即兩國即使長期為盟友關係,仍有許多在雙邊與多邊的經貿、政治軍事、社會環保、及全球場域議題等等的衝突與分歧。
再者,本論文聚焦在區域整合的範疇下,美巴兩國衝突多於合作的互動關係部分。有鑒於美洲自由貿易區(FTAA)為美巴在美洲區域整合歷程中最重要的平台,本論文以美巴在美洲自由貿易區的互動為例。美洲自貿區自1994年美洲首腦會議的成立至2004年馬德普拉塔美洲首腦會議正式宣告談判破局之間,成員國之間意見嚴重分歧無法取得共識,而至今尚未重新展開談判。談判破局因素繁多,包括成員國太多利益難以匯聚、各國發展程度不同等等,然而本論文認為最重要的因素為美巴兩國之間的分歧導致談判的破局。故本論文著重在分析美巴在美洲自貿區談判回合談判破裂的成因、內容與後續影響。而本論文於文末評估美巴雙方針對美洲自貿區議題可能持續分歧,自貿區談判回合短期內重啟的可能性較低,但長期仍待觀察。即使本論文認為美巴在自貿區的互動由於對自由貿易見解及對區域整合認知的不同而為衝突大於合作,本論文仍不否定美巴在各領域的合作層面。 Brazil, as the most developed country in the South America and member of BRICS, occupies more and more important status in South America and Latin America after its upcoming rising. The U.S., under the Monroe Doctrine that stressed the leading role in Latin America, thus grows more attention and stress on Brazil and bilateral relationship. This thesis focuses mainly on the U.S.-Brazil bilateral relationship, especially from regional integration. Also, the author argues that bilateral relationship belongs to one that includes both cooperation and conflict, which makes the relationship more complicated in issues including bilateral and multilateral economic, military, politic, and social and environmental issues.
What’s more, the author argues that the US-brazil bilateral relationship, under the perspective of regional integration, contains more conflicts than cooperation, and the author studies the relationship via the Free Trade of the Americas (FTAA). The FTAA suffers numerous conflicts among members, especially from the co-chairship the US and Brazil, and it finally was officially announced the failure of meeting agreement and postpone the negotiation rounds in 2005. Of course there are many reasons that explain the failure, but the paper wanted to focus on the conflict between these two countries, and the reasons why their opinions clash and how they reacted after the failure in 2005. The paper also agrees the difficulty of reopening the negotiation rounds in the near future considering nowadays situation. Though this paper focuses on the conflict aspect of the bilateral relationship, it doesn’t veto the cooperation made in other issues or aspects from the two countries. |
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