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    Title: 國際油價對俄羅斯總體經濟之影響
    The impact of international oil price on Russia`s macroeconomics
    Authors: 沈君懷
    Shen, Chun Huai
    Contributors: 洪美蘭
    Hung, Mea Lan
    Shen, Chun Huai
    Keywords: 國際油價
    Oil Price
    Russian Oil Industry
    Dutch Disease
    Russian Economy
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-03-01 17:31:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   石油是目前世界上最重要的能源之一,也是俄羅斯的經濟支柱。俄羅斯憑藉天然資源帶來龐大財源,不僅提高民眾生活水準、償付外債、支撐了國內經濟,也在國際舞台上以之為武器,作為俄羅斯與其他國家談判的籌碼,並再次躋身世界強國之列。然而,俄羅斯卻也因擁有豐富天然資源,使其對石油產業過度依賴,而產生單一產業生產結構下的「荷蘭病」現象,經濟不穩定風險也隨之提高。而石油價格除了受市場供給、需求變動影響,又時刻受到需求者預期心理、原油市場投機因素牽動而變動起伏,從而導致俄羅斯經濟易受世界經濟變化、國際石油價格波動影響產生劇烈震盪。
      Petroleum is one of the most important irreversible energy in the world. It is also an important economic pillar of Russia. With the natural resources, which bring the considerable income to Russia, not only raised people`s living standard, but also paid off the foreign debts of Russia. To make the natural resources as a bargaining chip, Russia is able to negotiate and bargaining with other countries, and once again stand on the World Great Power list. However, it’s also because of the natural advantages of abundant natural resources, the economic development of Russia has over-reliance on a single industry, and it became to the Dutch Disease, increased the economic risk. According to the oil prices not only impacted by the changes of the market supply, the market demand, the anticipate consuming psychology, but also the market speculators and so on. These factors keep affecting Russian economy vulnerable to fluctuations by the changes in world economy and international oil prices.
    This paper will proceed from the historical trend of oil price fluctuation in three stages, summarize the main reasons of oil price change. Then analyze the impact of oil price on the main import and export countries in global crude oil market for compre-hensive analysis of the impact of oil prices on the world economy. And then for the oil exporter - Russia, to find out that what kind of the background factors make Russian became such a high degree of dependence in the oil industry. By using the STATA to analyze the selected variables of the oil price and Russian economy, with the correla-tion between the variables, which is going to help us find out that when oil prices changes, the degree of variables on the Russian economy, in order to further under-stand Russian economic fluctuation reasons. Finally, we are going to compare the oil prices fell in the 2008 financial crisis, and in 2014 Russian ruble devaluation events, in the face of different background factors, the difference economic impact in Russia affected by the oil price fell events.
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