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    Title: 留級經驗的自我復原歷程之研究
    Roles of grade repetition in self-resilience process
    Authors: 梁淑儀
    Leong, Sok I
    Contributors: 邱美秀
    Chiu, Mei-Shiu
    Leong, Sok I
    Keywords: 留級生
    Grade retention
    Grade retention experience
    Self-Resilience process
    Career development
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2017-03-01 17:30:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究乃第一篇深入研究澳門留級生及其復原歷程之資料。研究者以曾在小學或中學階段留級過一次或以上的成年人為研究對象,探討其自我復原歷程及後來生涯發展演進,由此得知其自我復原歷程的重要性。


    本研究發現如下: 1. 本研究之留級生的自我復原歷程有混亂期、過渡期、復原期三個階段。 歷程不僅呈現多元性,也具有回溯性。本研究之留級生在面臨困境或壓力等危機時,能正向面對,啓動其自我復原力,達到正向適應的自我復原歷程。 2. 本研究之留級生的自我復原力來源來自於其人格特質、自我信念、因應策略、社會支持、積極復原態度及外界幫助。 3. 本研究之留級生的生涯發展過程有探索期、初始期、建立期、維持期、成熟期、圓滿期六期,這些歷程呈現多元性及具回溯性。

    This is the first in-depth research which studies of Macau grade repeaters and their self-resilience process. Researchers have studied the self-resilience process and their later career development in adults who have been once or above been suffered from grade retention in primary or secondary schools. Thus we can learn from the importances of their recovery processes.

    This study uses narrative research method as the research methodology. This method is substantialized through interviews and analyses. Enables the investigator to find out the repeaters’self-resilience process, and their source of resilience after grade retention.

    The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The recovery process is divided into 3 periods: the turmoil, transition, and recovery period. These stages not only contain diversity, but also retrospective. Positive attitude is the key factor which allows the repeater to cope with and get through the predicaments in different phases of their own recovery process. 2. The repeaters’ source of self-resilience depends on their personality, beliefs, crisis management skills, and the support from the social system. 3. The repeaters’s career development can be categorized into 6 stages: exploration, pre-maturation, establishment, maintenance, maturation, and completeness. These stages not only contain diversity, but also retrospective.

    Lastly, the researcher offered several advices for future researchers, educators, parents of repeaters and repeaters themselves.
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