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Title: | 原、漢族群工資差距之探討:人力資本與勞動市場條件的再分析 The wage gap between aborigines and han chinese in Taiwan: a reanalysis of impacts of human capital and labor market conditions |
Authors: | 詹智涵 Chan, Chin-Han |
Contributors: | 關秉寅 Kuan, Ping-Yin 詹智涵 Chan, Chin-Han |
Keywords: | 工資 原住民 漢人 社經不平等 群體比較 Blinder-Oaxaca差異分解 Wage Aborigines Han Chinese Soci-economic inequality Group comparison Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-03-01 17:26:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主旨是從人力資本理論以及勞動市場條件的觀點,來探討原、漢族群的工資不平等之現象根源。長久以來,原住民從成長、學校教育,到進入職場,莫不受各種條件的不足所制,以至於與主流社會的社經處境有難以克服的落差。本研究採用2007年「社會變遷基本調查第五期第三次」階層組以及休閒組調查,和2007年「臺灣原住民社會變遷與政策評估調查研究」,三筆具代表性且規模相近的面訪資料、共2393位私部門受雇者來加以比較。透過群體加權校正,本研究首先透過多元迴歸與交互作用分析,來探討兩族群的人力資本和勞動市場條件與工資取得高低之間的關係。接著,再以經Heckman校正Blinder-Oaxaca差異分解,來分析兩族群工資落差中的結構與現象差異。 研究結果顯示,人力資本和勞動市場條件能說明原住民族與漢人之間,確有工資上的族群歧視現象。原住民教育的工資報酬率在義務教育階段後即無顯著效果,而不同於漢人能持續成長;不論是年資、職業聲望或是工作型態,原住民的工資報酬率都顯著也比漢人低落,且影響更勝教育差異。這些現象即使是在差異分解校正結構差異後依舊存在。是故,既有量化研究除了從教育面向來探討原、漢族群社經不平等之外,實應持續重視原住民族進入職場後,所面對的勞動市場問題。 The aim of this research is to study the wage gap between aborigines and Han Chinese in Taiwan. The research explores the impacts of human capital and labor market conditions on the wage gap. Throughuot the life course trajectories of schooling and labor market participation, aborigines in Taiwan persistently face dire straits, resulting in insurmountable soci-economic gaps with Han Chinese. The data sources of the research are from Taiwan Social Changy Survey (TSCS) 2007, Phase 5, Wave 3: The Social Stratification module and The Leisure Time module, and Social Change and Policy of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples Survey (TIPS) 2007, which are representative to the adult population in Taiwan. The total sample sizes are 2393 employees in private sector and roughly equal in size between two ethnics. With weighting, regression interaction effects were estimated to analyze the impacts of human capital and labor market conditions on wage differences between aborigines and Han Chinese. Moreover, the research uses two-steps Heckman selection model to correct selection bias of labor marke participation as well as Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition to analyze the ethnic disparities in wage. The finding of interaction models show that human capital and labor market conditions can explain the wage gap and reveal the negative effects of discrimination against aborigines. While only the compulsory education has positive effects on aborigines’ wage, Han Chinese could benefit from all stage of education. Job tenures, occupational prestiage, and employment types are more benefitical to Han Chinese than to aborigines, and the impacts of these factors on wage are greater than education. These results are also consistent with decomposition analysis. Other than education inequality, the finding of this research suggests that future studies of ethnic disparities in soci-economic inequality should concern more about ethnic differences in labor market conditons. |
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