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Title: | 都市商圈土地混合使用自治管理模式-以師大商圈為例- The model of autonomous management in mixed use of land of urban business area : the case study of Shih-Da business district |
Authors: | 趙元瑞 Jao, Ruan Ruzy |
Contributors: | 邊泰明 Pien, Tai-Ming 趙元瑞 Jao, Ruan Ruzy |
Keywords: | 商圈 自主管理 師大商圈 土地分區管理 土地使用 Business district Self-management Normal shopping district Land zoning management Land use |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-03-01 17:22:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 土地使用分區是否允許夜市相關業別的存在,是否違反土地使用分區規定,一直以來存有疑慮。現行臺灣法律中不論是土地法或都市計畫法,針對土地使用分區已訂定相關的規則與規章,主管機關亦頒布有管制準則及函令以資遵循,諷刺的是,夜市周邊的住戶與該夜市所撐起的商圈,為了個別的利益,爭吵、訴訟甚至於鬥毆的情況屢見不鮮。 本研究利用Ostrom (2014)所建立的自主管理理論,探討商圈內部在集體選擇過程,如何有效選擇管理既有住商混合商圈對環境的負面衝擊,並提出建立住商混合商圈街區管理模式之建議。透過文獻回顧、個案研究、與深度訪談,本研究成果顯示,師大商圈未來管理模式的策略有四個可能性:因地制宜模式的採用、社區居民與商圈商家共存共榮的期待、商圈組織自主管理運作機制的建立、以及公部門與商圈組織之間的協調溝通。 本研究在師大商圈土地分區管理機制上,為了同時增加土地使用效率及考慮社區居民的權益,平抑破壞商圈整體利益的個人利益,應可使用具彈性調整機制的土地分區管理,而彈性調整的依據,係可透過政府公部門、商圈內商家組織、社區組織三方面共同研擬,制定相關施行辦法。 It is questionable for a long time that whether the permission of the business of night market within land zoning violates the regulations of zoning. Albeit relevant regulations of land zoning have been established and on acted, and enforced ironically, for pursuing individual profits and personal benefits, the residents and the vendors who inhabit in the business area have to face abundant disputes and litigations. The self-governance on common pool resource from Ostrom (2014) would be utilized to discuss the process of collective selection within business area, and to see how the effective management to deal with the negative impacts of mixed-use business area could be selected and eventually to raise a management model to cope with mixed-use business area. By literature review, case study, and interview, the four possible management models for NYNU commercial Area are: the management with local conditions, the collaborations between residents and vendors, the mechanism of self-governance in business organization, and the coordination and communication between the public and business organizations. Furthermore, basing upon the mechanism of the management of land zoning within NTNU Commercial Area, the elastic land zoning should be adopted to increase the effectiveness of land use and the rights and interests of residents. The basis of elastic management of land zoning can be established through the collaboration among the governments, business organization, and resident organization then. |
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