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Title: | 黨國體制的制度調適與慈善治理:以中國大陸「深圳壹基金基金會」為例 The institution adaptation and philanthropy governance of party-state regime |
Authors: | 涂萍蘭 Tu, Ping Lan |
Contributors: | 湯京平 Tang, Ching-Ping 涂萍蘭 Tu, Ping Lan |
Keywords: | 威權體制 制度調適 慈善治理 第三部門 Authoritarian Regime Institution Adaptation Philanthropy Governance The Third Sector |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2017-03-01 17:20:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 黨國體制下的社會組織是否可能發展出自主性(autonomy)?如何發展?此議題置於中國大陸的脈絡下,存在許多理論與實證的檢視空間。中國大陸正處社會急速變遷的時期,人民對服務的需求日益多元,因應而生的是第三部門的蓬勃發展;矛盾的是,在威權政體制約下,第三部門被嚴格監管,社會組織的身分合法性及財務自主權掌控於政府手裡,因此,黨國體系中存在許多「官辦」社會組織,此類組織從政府部門轉制而出,其人事及財務等行政資源與政府緊密相連,而民間自發的社會組織,多依附於官辦社會組織生存。這樣的發展與西方學界定義下的第三部門大相逕庭,是否仍可能出現獨立自主的第三部門?在威權國家裡,公開募款的資格不只代表一種權力機制,還展現出政府控管社會資源的慈善治理模式。當一個民辦社會組織突破規範取得公開募款資格,此一制度變遷看似微小卻可能影響深遠。為解釋「社會組織如何突破國家的制度壟斷」,本研究以中國大陸官辦及民辦慈善社會組織為研究對象,解析第三部門在威權政體中的發展現況及理論意涵。本研究透過關鍵案例展示重要實證現象:中國大陸萌生的民辦社會組織不僅有自外於政府的可能,還逐漸發展出自主性。更重要的理論意涵在於,國家與社會關係在制度變遷過程逐漸演化而出的新均衡(equilibrium)。 Abstract
How would the non-profit sector be able to emerge in the developing countries where societal forces has been controlled and civic spirit is yet to be developed? The rise of the One Foundation in China demonstrates the institutional breakthrough for non-profit organizations in the context of tight political control. Not so many observers ever notice the remarkable achievement of the One Foundation which earned, on an experimental base, the permit to raise funds directly from the public. This quiet breakthrough indicates an essential institutional turning point through which a non-profit organization could gain access to the fast-accumulating wealth of the private sector, receive more supports from the emerging civil society, and thus get a chance to become a real, relative autonomous third sector. By interviewing the core cadres of the Foundation, this research examines how more favorable institutional arrangements could have been shaped through complicate dynamics among social entrepreneurs, new riches, and political elites. This dissertation illustrates the rationale of a diverse path of capitalism in post-socialist countries. It indicates the possibility of a win-win game for the capitalists to engage in voluntary activities. By revealing the conditions for a departure from original route, this research provides foundation for theory-building on how the non-profit sector might emerge in the developing countries. |
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