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    题名: 高頻率交易引入我國之初探
    A preliminary study of introducing high frequency trading to Taiwan
    作者: 蕭叡涵
    Hsiao, Jui Han
    贡献者: 林國全
    Hsiao, Jui Han
    关键词: 高頻率交易
    High Frequency Trading
    Call Auction
    Trade by Trade Matching
    Regulatory Sandbox
    日期: 2017
    上传时间: 2017-03-01 17:15:13 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 高頻率交易在近年已漸成為全球趨勢,在世界各主要交易所的交易型態中都占有相當的比例。高頻率交易雖因係非僅有單一策略型態的套利行為,而目前尚未有明確之定義,然簡言之,其係指於毫秒等級的微小時間內,利用複雜的計算機運算系統挾帶速度優勢來進行迅速探測出市場上股票或期貨微小的價格差異並從中套利之交易模式。高頻率交易的特性是「交易頻繁,但每次獲利微薄」,且通常是當沖交易。然而,此種立基於快速撮合的逐筆交易制度以及資訊軟硬體設備進步而生之新型交易模式,除能帶來增加交易市場流動性、促進市場活絡等優點以外,亦藏有使股市因無意向成交而產生劇烈波動或造成市場秩序不公平等風險,如著名的美國2010年閃電崩盤即為一例。



    High-frequency trading (HFT) has become a global trend in recent years. It accounts for a considerable proportion in the world`s major exchanges. HFT is not only a single strategy for the type of arbitrage behavior; hence, there is still no clear definition of it. But in short, it refers to a type of algorithmic trading characterized by "frequent transactions with minute profit". Despite the benefit of increasing the liquidity of market and promoting market activity, it also has some disadvantages such as interfering the market order and the risk of unfairness. The well-known case, Flash Crash, of America in 2010 is so one example of HFT.

    The securities market trading system of Taiwan, Call Auction, has changed several times. The interval of the auction collecting and matching time has been all the way from 20 seconds down to the 5 seconds in current. But the final goal, Trade by Trade Matching transaction, has not yet been adopted so far. In December of 2016, the current chairman of Taiwan Stock Exchange said that Call Auction transaction is now old-fashioned and outdated, Trade by Trade Matching transaction has become a matter of course. Trade by Trade Matching transaction is just right around the corner, and it’s ready to launch as long as the brokers are ready.

    Fairness is the first priority in securities market. While Taiwan has not yet adopted the Trade by Trade Matching transaction and has not yet faced the challenges of HFT, Taiwan will no doubt implement it in the foreseeable future, and therefore the possibility of the appearance and the proportion of HFT in our market will be increasing. At the same time, HFT will be faced with whether it will promote market efficiency or undermine the fairness of the market. How should we regulate it and how to protect the interests of investors and the overall benefit of our market will also become our tests.

    This thesis takes the development trend of current trading system in Taiwan as a starting point and probes into the issue of HFT from the view of precaution. By referring to the trading system and regulations toward HFT of other countries, this thesis try to propose relevant suggestions and protection measures for investors and appropriate regulations of market after the implementation of Trade by Trade Matching transaction and the embracement of HFT in Taiwan.
    參考文獻: 壹. 中文文獻
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    四、 學位論文
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    五、 新聞報導
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    六、 網路資料
    1. 立法院網站:http://www.ly.gov.tw/innerIndex.action
    2. 中時電子報:http://www.chinatimes.com/
    3. 中華民國財政部網站:http://www.mof.gov.tw/
    4. 臺灣證券交易所網站:http://www.tse.com.tw/ch/index.php
    5. 香港交易所網站:https://www.hkex.com.hk/chi/index_c.htm
    6. 苦勞網:http://www.coolloud.org.tw/
    7. 鉅亨網:http://www.cnyes.com/
    8. 經濟日報網站:http://edn.udn.com/
    9. 維基百科:https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5
    10. 聯合新聞網:http://udn.com/news/index
    11. Aite Group:http://aitegroup.com/
    12. iThome:http://www.ithome.com.tw/

    七、 重要判決與函釋
    1. 1990年11月17日台財證(二)字第031818號函。
    2. 1992年1月4日台財證(三)字第00006號函。
    3. 臺中地院103年度金重訴字第1552號刑事判決。
    4. 嘉義地院92年金訴字第3號刑事判決。
    5. 最高法院74年度台上字第5861號判決。
    6. 最高法院94年度台上字第1434號刑事判決。
    7. 最高法院101年度台上字第288號刑事判決。
    8. 最高法院103年度台上字第1809號刑事判決。

    貳. 外文文獻
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102651034
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